Graphic Novel Review: Batwoman Vol. 1: The Many Arms of Death (Rebirth) by Marguerite Bennett and James IV Tynion

October 19, 2017

Batwoman Vol. 1: The Many Arms of Death (Rebirth) by Marguerite Bennett and JamesTynion IV (illustrated by Steve Epting) starts out the Batwoman series. This graphic novel collects issues #1-#6, as well as Batwoman: Rebirth #1, a one shot special.

  • 168 pages
  • Publisher:DC Comics
  • Language:English
  • ISBN-10:1401274307

Graphic Novel Review: Batwoman Vol. 1: The Many Arms of Death (Rebirth) by Marguerite Bennett and James IV Tynion
My rat­ing for Batwoman Vol. 1: The Many Arms of Death (Rebirth) —5
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More Books by JamesTynion IV

I believe that the Kate Kane’s Batwoman will become one of DC Comics most successful new characters. The writers have made her a fascinating and complex character, a true hero struggling with family, society in general, her fellow heroes and her inner demons.

I was glad that Batwoman Vol. 1: The Many Arms of Death (Rebirth) by Marguerite Bennett and James Tynion IV (illustrated by Steve Epting) took the character out of the death spiral of the last two New 52 graphic novels.

The art was very good, and even excellent on the last issue. In this graphic novel the artists not only helped the story move forward, but even enhanced it – this is what comics are all about.

The one thing I did notice was that these issues dealt a lot with Kate Kane’s complex (and very good) backstory. However, if you did not read the New 52 graphic novels it’s difficult to figure out why were these revelations so important.

Venom, a new bioweapon has come out on the market and Batwoman is going to try and stop a crime syndicate from spreading it around the world. In order to so Batwoman and her trusty tech guru, Julia Pennyworth, need to go back to a place where Kate Kane spent some of her darkest hours.

Buy Batwoman Vol. 1: The Many Arms of Death (Rebirth)from*
More Books by Marguerite Bennett
More Books by JamesTynion IV

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer:I got this book for free.
*Ama­zon links point to an affiliate account

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