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Giveaway (Over): Graphic History books by Wayne Vansant

It’s FREE COMIC BOOK DAY! Register to win 6 Wayne Vansant Graphic History Books AND the chance to have this award-winning author recreate one of these covers with YOUR FACE drawn in!!

Entering Is Easy:

10 lucky winners will get a free copy of each of Vansant’s 6 books and 1 lucky winner will have their face drawn into the Vansant book cover of their choice.
The winner could choose to be a soldier on the Normandy battlefield or the Red Baron flying through the sky or maybe Robert E. Lee on Gettysburg grounds!. After Wayne Vansant personalizes the cover with the winners face, we will print it in large format and frame it for the winner.
Man of la Book

A father, husband, avid reader, blogger, software engineer & wood worker who is known the world over as a man of many interests and to his wife as “an idiot”.

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