Book Review: The Swimmer by Joakim Zander

February 11, 2015

The Swimmer by Joakim Zander is a fictional mystery taking place all over Europe. This book was translated from Swedish where it was a best seller.

The pub­lisher is giv­ing away one copy of this book –to enter fill out the Raf­fle­copt­ter form at the end of the post.

  • 432 pages
  • Publisher: Harper
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0062337246

Book Review The Swimmer by Joakim Zander

My Rat­ing for The Swimmer4

Buy this book in paper or elec­tor­nic format*

The Swimmer by Joakim Zander is a fast paced thriller with an impressive narrative. This was a fast and interesting read with lots of action and believable characters.

I always like espionage books where the line is grayed between the good guys and the bad. If you read the Ian Fleming James Bond novels, you’ll realize that Bond is no better than his nemesis, he just has a badge.
And he knows it.

The chapters are shot, each dealing with a single event. The author weaved an intricate plot, with lots of secrets which resolve in a breakneck speed.

Even though this book is a fast read, it requires some attention from the reader. Mr. Zander casts many stones at the political establishments of the US, Sweden and other European countries.

I found it very interesting to read how the US is portrayed in other countries, especially our debacles in Abu-Gharib prison. Some people might not like the book because the Americans are not automatically portrayed as the “good guys”, however I thought it to be another interesting aspect of the novel.

Klara Walldéen is an aide to the European Union Parliament who is working in Brussels. Klara grew up with her grandparents on a remote archipelago in Sweden. Accidentally Klara has gotten possession of a laptop containing information that the European Union as well as the US government does not want to be publicized.

What Klara doesn’t know is that her father is very much alive and is an active CIA agent who still keeps tabs on her. When he sees the name of his abandoned daughter coming up in agency searches, he decides that it’s time to get involved.

Buy this book in paper or elec­tor­nic format*


  • Give­away ends: January 18, 2015

  • US/Canada Ship­ping Addresses Only

  • NoPOBoxes

  • Win­ners will have 24 hours to write back with their address, oth­er­wise an alter­nate win­ner will be picked

Congratulations: girly_coolgal@

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer:I got this book for free from TLC Book Tours.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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