Fun Facts Friday: Luigi Pirandello

June 28, 2019

Luigi Pirandello (28 June, 1867 – 10 December, 1936) was a Nobel Prize winning novelist, poet, and writer from Italy.

Fun Facts Friday: Luigi Pirandello
Image from:
Works by Luigi Pirandello*

Fun Facts about Luigi Pirandello:

1) Mr. Pirandello was born on the island of Sicily to an upper-class family involved in the Sulfur industry.

2) During high school, Mr. Pirandello’s favorite poets wereGiosuè CarducciandArturo Graf, both Italian.

3) In 1894 he married Antonietta Portulano in an arranged marriage. She was the daughter of a business associate of Mr. Pirandello’s father and gave the author financial independence.

4) A landslide in 1903 shut down the sulfur mine which supplied the money for the Pirandello family. Almost overnight they became poor and Mr. Pirandello was forced to earn a living by writing and teaching Italian at a teacher’s college.

5) Mrs. Pirandello suffered from mental illness and was extremely jealous of her husband. She was put in a sanatorium in 1919. The experience created the author’s characteristic work of the changeable personality in humans.

6) Mr. Pirandello wrote over 50 plays. In 1923 a Paris production of the playSix Characters in Search of an Authormade him relatively well known.

7) Together with another successful play, Henry IV, the author toured the world between 1925 – 1927 with his own theater company called the Teatro d’Arte.

8) Due to financial issues, the Teatro d’Arte was dissolved in 1928, but Mr. Pirandello spent years traveling far and wide.

9) In 1934 Mr. Pirandello was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for “his almost magical power to turn psychological analysis into good theatre.”

10) He requested that there should be no public ceremony to mark his death, only a hearse of the poor, the horse and the coachman.”

Works by Luigi Pirandello*

Zohar — Man of la Book
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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Fun Facts Friday: Luigi Pirandello
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Fun Facts Friday: Luigi Pirandello
Luigi Pirandello (28 June, 1867 – 10 December, 1936) was a Nobel Prize winning novelist, poet, and writer from Italy.
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Man of la Book - A Bookish Blog
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