Fun Facts Friday: George Herbert

April 3, 2020

George Herbert (3 April, 1593 – 1 March, 1633) was an English priest, orator, and poet. His poems are associated with the writings of metaphysical poets.

  1. Born in Montgomery, Powys, Wales, he was one of 10 children.
  2. His father, Richard Herbert, was a powerful member of parliament, a justice of the peace, and later a high sheriff.
  3. His mother, Magdalen, was friend and patron of poets, writers, and artists. She also pushed her children to get a good education.
  4. Mr. Herbert’s brother, Edward, the eldest who inherited his father’s estates and became Baron Herbert of Cherbury, was a soldier, diplomat, historian, poet and philosopher known as the “father of English deism”. His younger brother, Sir Henry Herbert, was Master of the Revels to both Charles I and Charles II. The Master of Revels was responsible for overseeing festivities, and later for censorship.
  5. George Herbert graduated with a master’s degree from Trinity College, Cambridge, at age 23.
  6. As a priest Mr. Herbert revised and wrote his collection of poems called The Temple, as well as a guide to rural ministry.
  7. Mr. Herbert wrote poetry in English, Latin, and Greek.
  8. Al of his surviving poems in English revolve around religious themes.
  9. Suffering from poor health most of his life, Mr. Herbert died of consumption in 1633.
  10. Mr. Herbert has been known as “one of the foremost British devotional lyricists” by The Poetry Foundation.

Books by George Herbert*

Zohar — Man of la Book
*Ama­zon links point to an affiliate account

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Fun Facts Friday: George Herbert
George Herbert (3 April, 1593 – 1 March, 1633) was an English priest, orator, and poet. His poems are associated with the writings of metaphysical poets.
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Man of la Book - A Bookish Blog
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