Fun Facts Friday: George Borrow

George Borrow (5 July, 1803 – 26 July, 1881) was a writer of prose, linguist, and traveler from England. He is known to have had one of the most imaginative styles of the writers of his time.

Books by George Borrow*Books by George Borrow*
Books by George Borrow*

Fun Facts about George Borrow:

  1. George Borrow was born in Norfolk, England. His father, Thomas Borrow, was a professional soldier working as a recruiting officer. His mother was Ann Perfrement.
  2. The family followed Thomas, who was also a lieutenant with the West Norfolk Militia, around the British Isles which left an impression on his son, the future author.
  3. Originally Mr. Borrow studied law, but he found out that he liked languages and literature better.
  4. At age 53, he took a long journey throughout Europe visiting France, Germany, Russia, Portugal, Spain, and Morocco.
  5. He stayed in Russia for two years, he wanted to meet Alexander Pushkin who wasn’t around when he came to visit. Nevertheless, George Borrow left him two copies of the translations he made. The great writer expressed regret for not meeting Mr. Borrow.
  6. All his life, George Borrow felt empathy with the Gypsy people (Romany). He loved their music, customs, dances, and language. He even published a Romany language dictionary.
  7. He stayed in Spain for 5 years as a Bible Society agent. He wrote about his memories from the time in The Bible in Spain(1843). He also translated the Gospel of Luck into Romani and Basque.
  8. In 1840 George Borrow married Mary Clarke and became a foster father to Henrietta, her grown-up daughter. This is when he started to write books.
  9. In 1874 George Borrow moved to Lowestoft from London, Mary died five years before. His step-daughter and husband came to look after him until his death.
  10. Even though George Borrow failed to find critical acclaim during his lifetime, modern readers like and appreciate his eccentric and cheerful style.

Books by George Borrow*

Zohar – Man of la Book
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account, the money is usually spent on books


About George Borrow | The George Borrow Trust

George Borrow | George Borrow Society

George Borrow | Wikipedia

George Borrow: British author | Britannica

George Borrow, 1803-1881: A Brief Life | The Victorian Web


Article Name
Fun Facts Friday: George Borrow
George Borrow (5 July, 1803 – 26 July, 1881) was a writer of prose, linguist, and traveler from England. He is known to have had one of the most imaginative styles of the writers of his time.
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Man of la Book - A Bookish Blog
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Man of la Book

A father, husband, avid reader, blogger, software engineer & wood worker who is known the world over as a man of many interests and to his wife as “an idiot”.

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