Fun Facts Friday: Eudora Welty

April 13, 2012

Southern writer Eudora Welty was born today, 13 April 1909 (died 23 July 2001) in Jackson, Mississippi.

Eudora Welty

Books by Eudora Welty

1 ) Eudora Welty was the daughter of an insurance company owner and had a sheltered childhood and a led a sheltered life.

2 ) Many of Ms. Welty’s stories feature strong women, however feminist scholars shunned them due to negative comments she made in the 1970s about the feminist movement.

3 ) Eudora Welty was the first woman to study at Peterhouse College in Cambridge.

4 ) Ms. Welty was an accomplished photographer who took pictures for three years in the south during depression in the 1930s.

5 ) When she returned home from college (Columbia University School of Business), Ms. Welty worked as a radio writer and newspaper society writer.

6 ) The Death of a Traveling Salesman was Eudora Welty’s first published short story (1936). Her work appeared in the Southern Review for the next two years.

7 ) A Curtain of Green, a book of short stories was published in 1941.

8 ) Ms. Welty was awarded the O. Henry Award for best short fiction in 1942 and 1943. The novel The Optimist’s Daughter was awarded the 1972 Pulitzer Prize.

9 ) Ms. Welty was the first living author to have her works published by the Library of America.

10) Eudora Welty’s house in Jackson, Mississippi is a National Historic Landmark and is a museum which is open to the public.

Zohar – Man of la Book

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  • 8b30c4227ad49aaf89e05de1b1c3eba4
    Alex BaughApril 13, 2012 at 7:34 am

    Eudora Welty is one of my favorite writers. I’ve always told my daughter if she wants to read a master of short story writing, she should read Eudora Welty and Alice Munro. Thanks for posting this info about her.

  • B1370d392fe58dcec6810be8fec5beed
    SuzanneApril 13, 2012 at 12:11 pm

    I’ve only read a couple of her stories and that was just recently when I found out that an event I’m attending in June (Books on the Nightstand’s Booktopia in Oxford,MS) will feature Welty’s biographer who recently wrote a book about the correspondence between Welty and William Maxwell (about whom I know nothing). I have lots of reading to do ….

  • 49173cc189932f910935c37fe1843f4a
    Jonathan WellingApril 13, 2012 at 4:06 pm

    Admittedly, I didn’t know who this fair lady was before reading this post. I always enjoy learning something new.

    But the entire time reading this post I kept hearing, “Who is John Galt?”

    I don’t know why? My mind works in mysterious ways. I guess it’s my own personal amusement. I just thought it may be interesting to others.

    Who is Eudora Walty?

  • F8fcab0c227f657942cf9634241349ce
    RyanApril 13, 2012 at 6:13 pm

    I really dig your Fun Facts Fridays. Very informative.

    I’ve never read Eudora Welty. But now I feel I know here a little better and will be more inclined to pick one of her books up.

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