Fun Facts Friday: Clarence Day

November 18, 2022

Clarence Day (18 November, 1874 – 28 December, 1935) was an American cartoonist and author. Mr. Day is best known for his autobiography Life with Father (1935).

Fun Facts Friday: Clarence Day
Books by Clarence Day*

Fun Facts about Clarence Day:

  1. Born as Clarence Shepard Day New York City to Clarence Sr., a stockbroker, and Lavinia. Benjamin Day, the author’s grandfather, was the founder of the New York Sun, considered to be one of NY’s more serious newspapers.
  2. After graduating from Yale, Mr. Day joined the NYSE, and worked his way up to becoming a partner in his father’s Wall Street brokerage firm.
  3. In 1898, Clarence Day joined the US Navy. However, arthritis crippled him soon afterwards and he returned to becoming a businessman.
  4. Together with his brother George Parmly Day, the author founded the Yale University Press. George Day was also the treasurer of Yale University.
  5. His other brother, Julian Day, was a stockbroker and decorated soldier serving with the British Army during World War I, rising to the rank of Major.
    Unfortunately, arthritis remained him for the remainder of his life.
  6. Back in NYC, Mr. Day began publishing Yale Alumni Weekly, as well as writing essays, and drawings, to several other publications.
  7. Mr. Day was a huge proponent of allowing women to vote and contributed satirical cartoons about the subject to several publications circa 1910.
  8. Clarence Day married Katherine Briggs Dodge in 1928. They honeymooned in Europe, and managed to visit the new Mrs. Day’s grandparents in Canada on their way back. The couple had one daughter together, Wilhelmine “Wendy”.
  9. His autobiographical trilogy, God and My Father (1932) Life with father (1935), and the posthumously published Life with Mother (1937) were the basis of the longest running nonmusical play on Broadway (called Life with Father). The 1947 file, also called Life with Father, received critical acclaim and several Oscar nominations. The movie also prompted a TV sitcom that ran for two seasons (1953 – 1955).
  10. Shortly after Life with Father became a bestseller, Clarence Day passed away in New York City. Much of the success of Broadway show, movie, and sitcom are attributed to attention given by Mrs. Day.

Books by Clarence Day*

Zohar — Man of la Book
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account, the money is usually spent on books

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Fun Facts Friday: Clarence Day
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Fun Facts Friday: Clarence Day
Clarence Day (18 November, 1874 – 28 December, 1935) was an American cartoonist and author. Mr. Day is best known for his autobiography Life with Father (1935).
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Man of la Book - A Bookish Blog
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