Fun Facts Friday: Allen Drury

September 2, 2016

Allen Drury (2 September, 1918 – 2 September, 1998) was an American novelist and Pulitzer Prize winner.

Books by Allen Drury*

Books by Allen Drury*

  1. Drury was a direct decedent of immigrants to the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
  2. After graduating from Stanford University in the class of 1939, Mr. Drury worked for the Tulare Bee where he won the Sigma Delta Chi Award for editorial writing.
  3. In 1943 Mr. Drury enlisted in the U.S. Army as an infantry soldier but was discharged due to back injury.
  4. From 1943 to 1945 Mr. Drury worked in the U.S. Senate correspondent to the United Press.
  5. Along with his reporting, he also kept a personal journal about Congress, which was later published.
  6. Drury followed the career of Harry S. Truman from junior Senator to President.
  7. In 1954 Mr. Drury was hired as a reporter for the New York Times.
  8. In his spare time, Mr. Drury was writing his novel Advise and Consent.
  9. Advise and Consent spent 102 weeks on The New York Times Bestseller list and won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1960.
  10. Advise and Consent is thought to be a novel about real life, based on Mr. Drury’s observations in Congress.

Books by Allen Drury*

Zohar – Man of la Book
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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