The dog-days of summer are almost gone and the Man of la Book website has been up and running for almost two months. I’ve greatly enjoyed the interaction with other readers and bloggers, as well as the superb interaction within the book blogging / reading community.
That being said, I have some questions which I’d like to ask, please feel free to respond to any or all…
1) How do you like the new layout (fonts, background, colors, etc)?
2) How would you improve the book reviews format (cover art, synopsis, opinion)?
3) What else would you like to see, if anything, on the blog?
4) Any improvement on the style of wrting?
5) If you are a Twitter follower (@manoflabook) how do you like my tweets?
Be critical but please be constructive.
Thank you….
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I'm very new to your blog, but I really like it when bloggers add cover art, since I very easily may recognize a book's cover, but not remember the title.
I love the background you have up. It's simple and isn't distracting from the main posts.
I definitely think cover art and opinions are good in a book review but I would avoid too much of a synopsis. It's easy to get bogged down in a summary and then you don't include enough of your opinion of the book. And that's what I'm looking for in a book review. I can get the synopsis of the book anywhere.
Definitely thumbs up to the new layout! I also like that you moved/added the box that explains your rating system. I've seen lots of blogs that just list numbers and sometimes if I see "rating: 3.5" it's confusing if you don't know if it's out of 5 or 10 (big difference!). I love seeing covers with reviews too, and personally I like at least a quick paragraph of the book summary in a review. I feel like most of the time reviews I read are of books that are new to me and I like to learn a little about the plot before hearing someone's opinions. Great work though, everything looks really nice!
I REALLY like the new background. I think it is much more intriguing and will attract even more followers. If you have any opinions on my blog, I'd love to hear them too!
I enjoy your new layout, the colors made it even more friendly. And I've enjoyed your reviews, I think you do equal amounts of synopsis and review with just the right amount of detail.I also like your new feature of popular posts!!Sorry, I am probably one of the few who do not facebook nor tweet!!!
Thank you very much for the feedback folks, you helped me out a lot.
I'm a new visitor but I love the background on your blog.
I like your current layout — I noticed the first few times I visited, it took longer to load. This time, not as long; maybe it has something to do with the layout? I also like it when you bold-face words/phrases that you want to emphasize in your blog posts; it makes your blog more unique.
Oh, one more thing…maybe you could change your comment box format? I had to click through twice, then a third time for word verification. You should be able to change it to a format where one-click would work.
Thanks Valerie, I'll see what I can do about the comments. I don't see the same thing that you're seeing.