Book Review: Criminal Enterprise by Owen Laukkanen

Article first published as Book Review: Criminal Enterprise by Owen Laukkanen on Blogcritics.

Criminal Enterprise by Owen Laukkanen is a fictional crime book which asks what happens when ordinary people take a shortcut to making money because they perceive it as their only option.

  • 416 pages
  • Publisher: Putnam Adult
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0399157905

My rat­ing for Criminal Enterprise4

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Criminal Enterprise by Owen Laukkanen (website | Facebook ) is a entertaining thriller which provides a gripping read. The plot is engrossing and the action scenes are fast paced while keeping characterization a priority.

The interesting character in the book was protagonist Carter Tomlin. The reader can see how Tomlin went down a slippery slope and started justifying  his anti-social behavior to himself and others using circular logic. Tomlin discovers he gets a thrill from having power over other people and even has to pretend to rape his wife in order to bed her. The way Laukkanen weaved this part of the man’s psychology into the story was fascinating and gave the story multidimensional angles.

While I enjoyed the story very much, the relationship of the two heroes, Agent Windermere of the FBI and Agent Stevens of the BCA, seemed forced and didn’t flow as smoothly as the rest of the book. Maybe because I didn’t read the first book in the series, The Professionals, I missed something which happened even though the author does a good job re-introducing the characters.

Criminal Enterprise has excellent writing, an interesting story and exciting characters. While the book might seems big, the chapters are short and the language is easy and readable.

Carter Tomlin has been fired from a high powered job but is still trying to maintain his high style of living which his wife and kids came to expect. However, Carter can’t find a job and constantly feels like a failure. One day Carter decides to rob a bank, the ease of making money is sweet and he gets hooked. Carter realizes that the thrill of easy money is nothing compared to the thrill of power when he is armed and dangerous.

On Carter’s trail are Agent Windermere of the FBI and Agent Stevens of the BCA. The two agents are very different and have to deal with bureaucracy and family issues which simply help Tomlin continue on his rampage.

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Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer: I got this book for free.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

Man of la Book

A father, husband, avid reader, blogger, software engineer & wood worker who is known the world over as a man of many interests and to his wife as “an idiot”.

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