Thoughts on: Click Millionaires by Scott Fox

Article first published as Book Review: Click Millionaires by Scott Fox on Blogcritics.

Click Millionaires: Work Less, Live More with an Internet Business You Love by Scott Fox is a book for those hoping to make money online. Don’t let the title fool you though, this is not a get rich quick book but a high level view of what it takes to create another income stream.

The author is giving away one copy of this book – use the Rafflecopter form at the end of the post.

  • 288 pages
  • Publisher: AMACOM
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0814431917

My rating for Click Millionaires – 5

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Click Millionaires: Work Less, Live More with an Internet Business You Love by Scott Fox (website) is an exciting book which came to me just at the right time. I was looking for other sources of income, but didn’t want to work myself to death and be able to spend some time with the kids. I have tried freelance programming but never made any money at it (ended up with making $2 an hour or close to that) and gave up when I had to run for months after people to pay.

As you well know, I like books and have a book blog. While the main reason for the blog is not to make money, it sure would be nice to at least pay the hosting bills or buy some holiday toys for the kids. Most book bloggers will tell you that they’re not in it for the money, and I believe them.
But we all have an Amazon Associates account – don’t we?

Making money off associate accounts or on-line at all is an art form, time consuming and not as easy as you might think. We all know that the people selling hope are not selling a plan –and without a plan your dreams of Internet stardom are just that – dreams.  I don’t think I’ll become a millionaire, but a few hundred bucks a month could go a long way
Why spend energy working nights, stocking shelves, when I can spend that energy on my own little business?

This book gives an excellent overview of ways to make money online through freelancing, vlogging, blogging, podcasting , etc. and how you can make all of these work together to your advantage. One reading, you can pick an avenue(s), research more and start their small online business almost immediately. There are many other sources at the end of the book for such research.

The reason this book excited me was not because of the information (as excellent as it is) but because of the ideas that were popping into my head while I was reading it. Some of them I immediately discarded off the bat, others I had to think about before discarding them – but I ended up with a few that I think might actually be descent.

And that, my friends, is the power of this book.

So tell me,what are you doing to monetize your blog?

Buy this book in paper or electronic format

More books by Scott Fox


  • Give­away ends: June 09, 2012

  • US/Canada Ship­ping Addresses Only

  • No PO Boxes

  • Win­ners will have 24 hours to write back with their address, oth­er­wise an alter­nate win­ner will be picked

Congratulations: lguilbo@ Alternate: Lomazowr@

Man of la Book

A father, husband, avid reader, blogger, software engineer & wood worker who is known the world over as a man of many interests and to his wife as “an idiot”.

View Comments

  • Wow, what a great book.

    I tried to monotize a few of my blogs but never made more than a few dollars per month and i put a lot of work into them. I joined that affiliate account network but never really saw anything come out of it.

    I tried book blogging but it seemed like a ver tough sell.

  • Thanks for the review Zohar, I'm not going to wait for the giveaway and just get me one.

    How much do you make from this blog?
    Any secrets you'd like to share?

  • You're reviews are always so thorough. This looks like a great book. I just want to earn enough to cover the cost of my website, but from what others said that isn't so easy. This sounds like a useful book and one I'd definitely enjoy reading.

    • I'm finding out everyday it's not easy. Some months are good ($30) and some not so much ($3).

  • Thanks for the review and the giveaway chance...Good thing I am not in the blogging world for the money...just the joy of sharing books!

  • My email is inbedwithbooks AT yahoo DOT com. I would like some ideas on how to make money from my blog!

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