“The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” by L. Frank Baum is the first of 15 books in the fictional Oz series and tells the story of Dorothy, a girl from Kansas who was swooped with her dog Toto by a mighty wind to the Land of Oz. On Dorothy’s journey to visit the “Terrible Wizard” she is joined by the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodsman and the Cowardly Lion – all of whom are seeking the wizard to grant them brains, heart and courage – respectively.
My rating for The Wizard of Oz – 4
Buy The Complete Wizard of Oz Collection from Amazon.com*
More Books by L. Frank Baum*
Buy The Complete Wizard of Oz Collection from Amazon.com*
More Books by L. Frank Baum*
Throughout their journey, the gang encounters many strange creatures and strange landscapes. They run away from the Kalidahs, ferocious beasts with bodies of bears and head of tigers, save the Scarecrow from being stuck on a pole in a gushing river, talk field mice into carrying the sleeping lion out of the deadly poppy fields, encounter a fragile land where everything is made of breakable China and fight the wolves, bees and other minions the Wicked Witch of the West sends at them. Not to mention making use of the Winged Monkeys.
I have read this book in 4th or 5th grade but this time I read it out loud to my daughter. I don’t know if reading it out loud, the years, or possibly both have given me a different perspective on this story, much like Treasure Island, one of my favorites. I realized that the story wasn’t about the virtues of “home” or the man-behind-the-curtain, but of the qualities each and everyone of us posses regardless of outside influence. After all, the Scarecrow has gotten the gang out of trouble using his wits, the Tin Woodman cries when he hurts even the tiniest creature and the Cowardly Lion fights bravely before facing the Wizard.
I read this eBook on the Nook and the formatting was wonderful, the words sharp and clear. No complaints at all
“The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” has become a classic and both myself and my daughter enjoyed it. If you haven’t read the book, treat yourself to a quick read.
Zohar — Man of la Book
Disclaimer: I bought this eBook as “The Complete Wizard of Oz Collection” Coinciding with the movie’s 71st anniversary.
*Amazon links point to an affiliate account, the money is usually spent on books
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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum
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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum
I read this out loud to my kids several years ago and was struck by the different tone as compared with the movie. I loved it though!
I saw the movie many times but never read the book. We used to even act it out as kids sometimes. I'm now following you and added you to my blogroll. Hope you visit again.
I'm attempting to make my way through 1001 Children's Books. I read WO last year. I'm reading Three Musketeers now. It is intriguing to read books about which so much has been said and written.
readerbuzz, that's great. The Three Musketeers, one of my favorite books since childhood, is by no means a childrens book in my opinion.
A good book for children. Enjoy it with your kids.