Book Review: The Saint of Wolves and Butchers by Alex Grecian

March 28, 2018

The Saint of Wolves and Butchers by Alex Grecian is a novel which follows a man and his dog hunting Nazis. Mr. Grecian wrote several novels about the Scotland Yard, as well as a few graphic novels.

  • 400 pages
  • Publisher:G.P. Putnam’s Sons
  • Language:English
  • ISBN-10:039917611X

My rating forThe Saint of Wolves and Butchers4
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The Saint of Wolves and Butchers by Alex Grecian is a fun and exciting read. I really enjoyed the cast of characters and their dynamics in this book. Not only of the protagonist, Travis Roan, and his associates, but also the antagonist, an nasty evil man, and his circle of believers, protectors and family.

The author wrote in a Tibetan Mastiff as a fully fledged character in this book which I thought he managed to pull through, even though I’ve had my doubts. If you don’t know what one of these beasts looks like, check it out, they are enormous.

The book does jump in time, but not much. Most of the novel takes place in Kansas, with jumps here and there to World War II exploring the past of Rudolph Bormann, a sadistic Nazi doctor bent on experimenting on his unwilling “patients”.

The second half of the book involves more police procedurals and action. I found the end to be a bit improbable and would have preferred it to be less “fantastic”, for lack of a better word.

I did, however, enjoy reading the book very much. I hope this will become a series continuing the adventures of Travis Roan, his massive dog Bear, and Trooper Skottie.

Travis Roan and his dog go to Kansas on the trail of a sadist Nazi concentration camp doctor who have disappeared for decades. As the case progresses, Roan finds that Rudolph Bormann, aka Rudy Goodman, has some powerful friends in his small town who believe he possess god-like powers.

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Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer:I got this book for free fromTLC Book Tours.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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