Book Review: The Man I Knew: The Amazing Story of George H. W. Bush’s Post-Presidency by Jean Becker


The Man I Knew: The Amazing Story of George H. W. Bush’s Post-Presidency by Jean Becker is the author’s memoir about the decades she spent working for the 41st President. Ms. Becker served as Barbara Bush’s Chief of Staff, and was hired to be George Bush’s Chief of Staff during his post-presidency years.

  • 368 pages
  • Publisher : Twelve
  • Language : English
  • ISBN-10 : 153873530X

My rat­ing for The Man I Knew 5
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This book is a fascinating look into person that is George H.W. Bush, what made him tick, as well as his personality. The presidency of Bush 41 has been reevaluated since the day he left office, which shows us how, from a distance, without a doubt we can see things that we didn’t at the moment.

The best thing about The Man I Knew: The Amazing Story of George H. W. Bush’s Post-Presidency by Jean Becker is that I felt like I’ve known Mr. Bush better, above all through her personal anecdotes and observations. Ms. Becker love and reverence for Mr. and Mrs. Bush, and indeed for the whole Bush clan, is obvious on every page.

It is always fascinating to read about the behind-the-scenes stories but people who were there. Whether it’s the from the staff, Secret Service agents, or the now famous Presidents Club. The author who accompanied the Bush family for decades, until their death has collected many anecdotes worthy of the family and how they would want to be remembered.

From my reading on recent American history and current events, I have yet to read a bad word on George H.W. Bush. It says a lot about a person when one of his best friends came to be the person who handed him a defeat for his second presidential term.

Every story in this book shines a light on the person that we all only knew from media coverage. I especially enjoyed the story where Mr. Bush was going to dedicated a new emergency room in Cameron, La (that was devastated by Hurricane Rita) and wanted the star of the TV show ER, George Clooney, to tag along. Only that Mr. Clooney has left the show 7 years earlier, but the Bushes didn’t know because they were watching reruns.
Mr. Clooney did show up, and the two Georges were a hit.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Bush have always impressed me with being wonderful people, this book cemented this impression. The couple dedicated their post-presidency career to family and charity, going out of their way and convenience for both with style, grace, and a wonderful sense of humor.

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More Books by Jean Becker*

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer: I got this book for free.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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The Man I Knew: The Amazing Story of George H. W. Bush's Post-Presidency by Jean Becker
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The Man I Knew: The Amazing Story of George H. W. Bush's Post-Presidency by Jean Becker
Man of la Book

A father, husband, avid reader, blogger, software engineer & wood worker who is known the world over as a man of many interests and to his wife as “an idiot”.

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