Book Review: The Hunger Angel by Herta Müller

October 3, 2012
Article first published asBook Review:The Hunger Angelby Herta Mülleron Blogcritics.

The Hunger Angel by Herta Müller is a German novel taking place in a Soviet forced labor camp at the end of World War II. Ms. Müller won the 2009 Nobel Prize in Literature.

  • 304 pages
  • Publisher:Metropolitan Books
  • Language:English
  • ISBN-10:080509301X
Book Review The Hunger Angel by Herta Muller
My rating forThe Hunger Angel4
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The Hunger Angel by Herta Müller takes place in 1945, when the Soviet Union demanded that all Romanian Germans who are 17 to 45 years of age be relocated to forced labor camps in order to help rebuild the devastated nation. According to the author’s note at the end of the book, she spent many hours talking to poet Oskar Pastior who suffered under the decree. Müller filled four notebooks with Mr. Pastior’s testimony until 2006, when he suddenly passed away.

This is an extraordinary book about the hardships the German people faced after the war, as Leo Auberg, the protagonist states:

“To this day, the hunger angel speaks out of your mouth. But no matter what he says, this remains utterly clear:
1 shovel load = 1 gram bread.”

I certainly got the distinct feeling that the book was written by a poet, not so much the narrative as the reflections and pontifications of Leo. While hunger is certainly the common denominator of the book, Leo’s imagination is what keeps him going through starvation and hard labor.

While this book does take place during and after World War II, I would not suggest to read it within the framework of the Holocaust. Jews are mentioned at the beginning, but then they disappear both physically and contextually and people still do find it hard to sympathize with the suffering of the German people in the hands of their Russian conquerors.

The 64 chapters in this book are very short yet vivid, some a few sentences long and tie up together only by the few recurring characters and even fewer stringed events. The book itself is a quick read and well written, the translation by Philip Boehm is brilliant and really brings forward the “hunger angel” himself, a spirit which hovers over Leo and interrupts the few moments in which he forgets his grim existence.

While I found the book an excellent read, it wasn’t the style I’m used to reading. However, I’m glad I read it since I did enjoy the experience and, I believe, made me a better reader.

So tell me, which book made you a better reader?

Leo Auberg was 17 when he was picked up for a 5 year sentence (or honor) serving in a soviet forced labor camp. The laborers at the camp were getting food at a minimal and “exercise” aplenty without the need to be concerned about hygiene.

Leo shovels coal, hauls mortar, and does other difficult jobs but the one constant among all his suffering is hunger. While his former life keeps flashing back to him and the hope that he might return to what could or could no longer be his home and family keeps Leo alive, his imagination is what gives him hope.

Zohar – Man of la Book
Disclaimer: I borrowed this book from the local library
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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  • 99e3820d11ba3075bdc9249572c0dc1f
    SueOctober 3, 2012 at 8:08 am

    This one sounds really interesting. I am adding it to “the list”. Thank you!

  • 292f8724c7213c6b14977353595ad617
    nancyoOctober 3, 2012 at 3:14 pm

    Okay, you sold me. It’s mine. Thanks!

  • 2487910e37c7b6e6225e1cd6101328c9
    Sharon HenningOctober 3, 2012 at 7:58 pm

    This sounds like an interesting and unusual book. I look forward to reading it.

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