Book Review: Tarzan The Centennial Celebration by Scott Tracy Griffin

Article first published as Book Review: Tarzan Centennial by Scott Tracy Griffin on Blogcritics.

Tarzan The Centennial Celebration by  Scott Tracy Griffin is a coffee table book (13″ x 10 1/4″) celebrating 100 years of the famous lord of the jungle. Mr. Griffin is the leading authority on Edgar Rice Burroughs and on his 1912 creation of which this book is about.

The pub­lisher is giv­ing away one copy of this book –to enter fill out the Raf­fle­copt­ter form at the end of the post.

  • 320 pages
  • Publisher: Titan Books (November 20, 2012)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1781161690

My rating for Tarzan The Centennial Celebration – 5

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Tarzan The Centennial Celebration compiled by Scott Tracy Griffin (website) is, in one word, amazing. The book is a feast to the eyes, I spent hours sitting down looking at it explain to my son (5) whose who and looking at the great visuals and animals (he just did the letter “E” in kindergarten so we were looking for elephants).

The book is full of great art, pictures, illustrations and even sketches by Edgar Rice Burroughs. The text associated with the pictures is very interesting and enlightening about every subject Tarzan fans would like to delve into, from his animals to synopsis of each of the stories by Burroughs and others.

A fascinating introduction by actor Ron Ely starts the journey into Tarzan and other writings by Burroughs. Followed by a short biography of Burroughs and a short synopsis of every Tarzan book he published with high quality images of gorgeous covers. A short chapter about Tarzan for children, followed by a “How to Speak Ape” section and maps of Africa drawn by Mr. Burroughs himself.

A fantastic section about the comics followed by those who played Tarzan on radio, stage, the silver screen and television – even Disney’s Tarzan gets a mention. The book closes out telling the fans about Tarzana, Ca, collectibles, authorized sequels, foreign editions, the web and more.

This is a wonderful book with a “WOW’ factor for the inner geek in all of us. The book will grace the coffee table in our house and is a great present for the geek who has everything.

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  • Give­away ends: Novem­ber 22, 2012

  • US/Canada Ship­ping Addresses Only

  • No PO Boxes

  • Win­ners will have 24 hours to write back with their address, oth­er­wise an alter­nate win­ner will be picked

Congratulations: name as email

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer: I got this book for free.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

BOOK BLOGGERS – Have you read Tarzan The Centennial? If so link up your review below:

Man of la Book

A father, husband, avid reader, blogger, software engineer & wood worker who is known the world over as a man of many interests and to his wife as “an idiot”.

View Comments

  • My email is carlscott(at)prodigy(dot)net(dot)mx. Thanks for the giveaway. Tarzan is a long-time favorite of mine. i'm really looking forward to the centennial.

  • Thanks to the publisher and to Zohar for this giveaway. I finally finished the book last night and was blown away! I've posted a glowing review to Amazon and to Goodreads.

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