Categories: 4 StarsFiction

Book Review: Suddenly in the Depths of the Forest by Amos Oz

Article first published as Book Review: Suddenly in the Depths of the Forest by Amos Oz on Blogcritics.


“Suddenly In the Depths of the Forest” (פתאום בעומק היער) by award winning Israeli author Amos Oz (archive)  is a short novel which you can read to your kids. Oz set out to write a folk tale and succeeded in more ways than one.

  • 144 pages
  • Publisher ‏ : Clarion Books
  • Language ‏ : English
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : 0547551533

My rating for Suddenly in the Depths of the Forest4
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More Books by Amos Oz*


“Suddenly In the Depths of the Forest” by Amos Oz (translated by Sondra Silverston) has more of a European feel to it (forests, mountains, streams) than an Israeli one. While this is a story for children, adults will certainly enjoy this multi-layered fable.

According to the book, Oz based this story on fables he remembers from his childhood told him by his mother. He thinks that was the way his mother (who committed suicide before she reached the age of 40) communicated.

Mr. Oz certainly put a lot of thought into the symbolism in this book. The story could be about being exiled from the Promised Land or about the 144 , a terrible past of vanished creatures. There is a society based on lying, a voyage into a dangerous land away from home.

We never find out though, the ending is left open with no single truth found, as is most of life.

Great job by translator Sondra Silverston who managed, somehow, to translate the feel of anxiety as well as the humor.


Once upon a time there was a village. The village had no animals, no cows, dogs or pigs, not even worms, fish or spiders. None of the adults are willing to speak about that catastrophe and at night they bolt their doors of fear from Nehi, the Mountain Demon who is blamed for their misfortune.

No one dares go into the mountain except two kids Maya and Matti which…you’ll have to read for yourself.

Buy Suddenly in the Depths of the Forest from*
More Books by Amos Oz*

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer: I got this book for free
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account, the money is usually spent on books

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Suddenly in the Depths of the Forest by Amos Oz
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Suddenly in the Depths of the Forest by Amos Oz
Man of la Book

A father, husband, avid reader, blogger, software engineer & wood worker who is known the world over as a man of many interests and to his wife as “an idiot”.

View Comments

  • I like your review; I also read this as an eBook; I have my review scheduled to go up in the next couple of days. I liked it enough to put a hard copy in my shopping cart (I load it up and then buy about once a month or so)

  • Hi there,

    This one sounds intriguing. I'm looking for books to recommend to my bookworm niece, and this one sounds like just the thing.

    (love your blog name, considering DQ is my favourite book of all time)

  • I may have to see if I can find a physical copy of this because I'm really bad about reading ebooks. I just can't for some reason. Thanks for the review.

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