Book Review: Number One Observatory Circle: The Home of the Vice President of the United States by Charles Denyer

Number One Observatory Circle: The Home of the Vice President of the United States by Charles Denyer is a beautiful coffee table book which is not only eye candy, but informative as well.

  • 280 pages
  • Publisher: Cambridge Klein Publishers
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0998764205

My rat­ing for Number One Observatory Circle— 5
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Visiting ex-President’s homes has become a “thing” in my family. We seem to manage to try and visit some historical home or historical site on our road trips or vacation. Several of these homes have been our favorites on many occasions (George Washington’s Mt. Vernon is a family favorite which we visit at least once a year).

When I was offered a chance to receive Number One Observatory Circle: The Home of the Vice President of the United States by Charles Denyer I jumped on the opportunity (although to my shame, not soon enough). Imagine my surprise when I received this beautiful, hard cover, edition – I could not wait to go through it.

The book did not disappoint, not only is it beautiful on the outside, the enclosed photographs of the house, grounds, intimate moments of Vice-Presidents and Presidents with the loved ones, staff, and stuff are alone worth getting the book.

But there is more, the content of this book is both engrossing and educational. I never knew much about the Vice-Presidents’ residence, and its history is relatively short, but nonetheless fascinating. The author goes into a bit of history about the Vice-President’s role and the men who created this “worthless” office into a seat which wields power and authority. HE goes on to describe how the residence came to be and, of course, it’s famous occupants.

The residence is a recent addition to the government, and so the author can dedicate real-estate (pun intended) to its occupants, their rise to power, family life and, of course, decoration of their new home. Each chapter about the Vice-Presidents and their wives gives are a glimpse into their personal home, how it was decorated and their taste in art.

For the record, at the time of this post, we have managed to visit eight homes of ex-Presidents. That number could have been close to 15 if we would have planned better or had more time (usually the latter).

Buy Number One Observatory Circle from*
More Books by Charles Denyer

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer: I got this book for free.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account.

Man of la Book

A father, husband, avid reader, blogger, software engineer & wood worker who is known the world over as a man of many interests and to his wife as “an idiot”.

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