Night by Elie Wiesel is a memoir of the author’s experiences with his father in the Nazi concentration camps of Auschwitz and Buchenwald. Mr. Wiesel is Jewish French-American author, philosopher, activist and the winner of the 1986 Noble Peace Prize.
- 120 pages
- Publisher : Hill and Wang
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 9780374500016
My rating for Night – 5
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This is one of the most known books about the Holocaust, it got renewed visibility due to being featured on Oprah’s Book Club.
I’ve read several first-hand witness accounts of the Holocaust, Auschwitz by Dr. Miklós Nyiszli, is a memorable one. One of the aspects of Night by Elie Wiesel (translated by Marion Wiesel) that jumped at me is the sense of disbelief. Fifteen-year-old Eliezer “Elie” Wiesel cannot believe what is happening to him and his father. How can “educated men” commit such crimes?
This a question we’re still asking ourselves today.
The sense of disbelief is there from the start. A Sighet Jew, Moishe, was forced to dig his own grave before being shot. Somehow, he survived and returned to Romania to warn his friends, including the young man. All who refused to believe this is happening. At the Nazi concentration camps the author felt as if it was one long “night” full of nightmares.
This book is written in plain language, but its impact is huge. There are two more books in the trilogy, Dawn, and Day which I also intend to read, but I need a break.
In this short memoir, Mr. Wiesel tells of this struggle with the Nazis, his fellow Jews, the capos, and himself. He often questions his faith and the existence of G-d.
The author was 15 years old when he got to the camps, and 16 years old when the first American tank appeared in Buchenwald. His father passed away three months before liberation.
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More Books by Elie Wiesel *
Zohar — Man of la Book
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