Book Review: National Geographic Guide to Scenic Highways and Byways, 5th Edition: The 300 Best Drives in the U.S. and National Geographic Guide to State Parks of the United States, 5th Edition

March 7, 2018

National Geographic Guide to Scenic Highways and Byways, 5th Edition: The 300 Best Drives in the U.S. and National Geographic Guide to State Parks of the United States, 5th Edition are two travel books published by National Geographic. A portion of the proceeds from National Geographic publications is used to fund exploration, conservation, and education through ongoing contributions to the work of the National Geographic Society.

National Geographic Guide To Scenic Highways And Byways 5th Edition The 300 Best Drives In The U S
BuyNational Geographic Guide to Scenic Highways and Byways, 5th Edition: The 300 Best Drives in the U.S.from*
Buy from National Geographic Guide to State Parks of the United States, 5th*

My family and I enjoy road trips and day trips to various parts of the country. It is not unusual for us to drive 2 hours, 100 miles or so, just on a day trip. Most of the time (who are we kidding, always) we combine that with a nice lunch at a local eatery.

I like staying of the highways, to see the real America by going on small roads. We discover many hidden gems that way and the scenery is, by far, much more interesting than highway trees and tar. I was happy to receive the 5thedition of the National Geographic Guide to Scenic Highways and Byways: The 300 Best Drives in the U.S. and National Geographic Guide to State Parks of the United States since I knew I would make good use of both of those books.

The first thing that struck me was that these were quality books. The pages are printed on nice stock, are stitched together and easy to read. The content is logically and geographically placed with some wonderful pictures to wet your trip-appetite. There is an index in the back which you could easily find a destination to go to without having to flip through hundreds of pages.

I thought that the Guide to Scenic Highways and Byways was a much better boo, while the Guide to State Parks of the United States could have been better if they were to add 25-50 pages extra. As always, quality maps and enticing photographs make these guides a pleasure to look through and not just to follow.

BuyNational Geographic Guide to Scenic Highways and Byways, 5th Edition: The 300 Best Drives in the U.S.from*
Buy from National Geographic Guide to State Parks of the United States, 5th*

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer:I got this book for free from TLC Book Tours
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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One Comment

  • 9103a1771d28397bf776d863e883a413
    Heather J @ TLC Book ToursMarch 9, 2018 at 10:28 pm

    We don’t often do day trips like you described but I’d love to – maybe that’s something we can start this summer!

    Thanks for being a part of the tour.

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