Le Deal: How a Young American, in Business, In Love, and in Over His Head, Kick-Started a Multibillion-Dollar Industry in Europe by J. Byrne Murphy is a memoir of the author who moved to Paris as a young businessman to find a new career, and fortune. Mr. Murphy was an business executive implementing designer outlet centers across Europe.
- 304 pages
- Publisher : Lyons Press
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 1493060686
My rating for Le Deal – 5
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More Books by J. Byrne Murphy*
This book is a fascinating memoir and of a star-up in an international market. I’ve never heard of the MacArthurGlen outlet shopping centers in Europe, but the story of how they came to be certainly is a fascinating one. There are lots of lessons in this book as well, from a personal as well as business perspective.
The loops Mr. Murphy had to run around to do anything in France, where the majority of the book takes place, are comical. At the time though, they were disheartening and frustrating, something every immigrant knows.
From a business building aspect Le Deal: How a Young American, in Business, In Love, and in Over His Head, Kick-Started a Multibillion-Dollar Industry in Europe by J Byrne Murphy certainly has many lessons in store. From not easily giving up, to having a huge personal stake in the outcome – something many of us do not have the guts to attempt.
Surprisingly, however, Mr. Murphy hasn’t mentioned if he received any help from US diplomats. I do know that one of the roles of any embassy is to assist American businesses take hold. However, from his description of the intricacies of politics and fiefdoms, that might not help very much.
The book was an easy read, without many technical jargons. One does not need a business degree, or even taken a business course, to enjoy it. The author does not mince about the difficult times he had, even figuring out how to do business in places where it seemed like a no-brainer. He talks about the hidden figures behind the scenes pulling strings, the need to understand cultural nuances, and longstanding traditions.
For those who are planning to do any real-estate development outside the United States, this book is a must read. For the rest of us, it’s just plain fun.
Buy Le Deal from Amazon.com*
More Books by J. Byrne Murphy*
Zohar — Man of la Book
Disclaimer:I got this book for free from TLC Book Tours.
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