Kabul Beauty School: An American Woman Goes Behind the Veil by Deborah Rodriguez and Kristin Ohlson. Ms. Rodriguez tells of her experience as an NGO worker in Afghanistan, teaching women how to run beauty salons.
- 320 pages
- Publisher : Random House Trade Paperbacks
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 0812976738
My rating for Kabul Beauty School – 3
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More Books by Kristin Ohlson*
The book takes place in the early 2000s when Ms. Rodgriguez went to Afghanistan as part of a humanitarian effort. As a hairdresser, she was surrounded by doctors, nurses, therapists, and diplomats. Almost immediately, however, she realized that her skills were much sought after by locals and foreigners alike. As it turns out, hair shops were a few of the only businesses available to women to thrive in. Men weren’t allowed, as the women’s hair was uncovered, and this allowed them a form of independence.
I’ve wanted to read Kabul Beauty School by Deborah Rodriguez and Kristin Ohlson since it came out in 2007, but never got a chance. That is until I found it in my local Little Free Library, and grabbed it. The book started great, with an interesting perspective on both NGOs and Afghan women. I enjoyed very much reading about the struggles and successes Ms. Rodgriguez had with her program.
I think it was a mistake for the author to make the book about her instead of the women she was trying to help. From reading the book it seems that she wanted to be the center of attention and a victim of circumstance. The book, while certainly might have been therapeutic, almost reads like a journal of a woman and her bad choices.
I found that aspect of the book to be uncanny, and taking away from the main cause. The author is proud that she was a liberated American woman in a conservative culture, earning her the nickname “Crazy Debbie”. However, she goes on to marry an Afghan… by arranged marriage… without knowing him. And she’s his second wife, as in… he already has a family and a baby on the way!
Granted her husband, Sam, does help her out a lot but, again, it takes the focus away from women themselves. It’s almost as if “Crazy Debbie” was bored in America and wanted an extraordinary adventure.
The book is very readable and does provide an informative window into the lives of Afghan women. I understood the book was written to promote the author’s charity and raise money to continue her program. This is an excellent book for discussion, as it raises many questions as well as provides a thoughtful window into another culture.
Buy Kabul Beauty School from Amazon.com*
More Books by Deborah Rodriguez*
More Books by Kristin Ohlson*
Zohar — Man of la Book
Disclaimer: I got this book for free from my local Little Free Library
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