- 752 pages
- Publisher: Simon & Schuster
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 9780743223133
My rating for John Adams – 5
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John Adams, an interesting figure, was a person with a high standard of integrity, a standard which drove him all his life. The president’s relations with his contemporaries such as Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton and especially Thomas Jefferson were intriguing and fascinating.
Among the pages there are excerpts from speeches, but I found his personal family letters most interesting. Those letters let us glimpse into the genius mind of Adams. In his letters Adams seems neurotic, worrisome and very opinionated – great material for a biography. For example, Adams constantly worries about being forgotten by history, he frets that Benjamin Franklin’s “electrical rod smote the earth and out sprung General Washington. That Franklin electrified him with his rod and thence forward these two conducted all the policy, negotiation, legislation, and war“.
How can you not love this guy?
How can you not respect a guy who took a possibly career ending case only to prove that the legal system is just and fair?
Upon his return, Adams become the first Vice President of the United States, “the most insignificant office ever known to man”, as he so eloquently stated. Adams was awarded with the impossible and un-envious task of replacing George Washington as the nation’s second president.
This biography is meant to be savored, I could not rush though this magnificent book, nor did I want to, due to the dense information presented. However, unlike textbooks, Mr. McCullough tells a fascinating story instead of throwing dates and facts in one’s face.
There are several reproductions of important documents, art work and illustrations included in this Pulitzer winning book.
This book is what reading history is all about.
Please leave a comment if you agree or disagree with my review, or just to say hello.
Zohar — Man of la Book
Disclaimer: I bought this book.
*Amazon links point to an affiliate account

I would actually really like to start reading about American presidents and I've seen this book around. Sounds like it's a great book from your review so I will definitely pick it up in the future!
Carin, it's around 700 pages or so but very interesting and well written. Have you seen the HBO show? If you did, what did you think? I still haven't seen it.
I love David McCullough's writing. I enjoyed this one and 1776. That's a very tempting idea to read about the president's in order. My problem is knowing which biographies are good. I'll be checking your blog for suggestions!
Hi Shelley, knowing which biographies are good is my issue as well. So far I think my picks are pretty good, if I had to change one it would be American Sphinx for another Jefferson biography.
The nice thing about reading the biographies in order is that they overlap, so you get different perspectives to similar events.