Categories: 4 StarsNon-Fiction

Book Review: How to Sue a Telemarketer by Stephen L. Ostrow, Esq.

How To Sue A Telemarketer” (website) by Stephen L. Ostrow, Esq. (and  his alter ego, comedian Ozmo Kramer) is exactly what it sounds like, a non-fiction manual to navigate the courts when you decide to sue telemarketers for disturbing dinner, sleep or any other part of your free time.  I have heard that you can get $500 for every annoying call, but it’s not as simple as filling out a form.  This book shows you the basic steps you need to take in order to get this money. And you will earn the money; there is some footwork involved and expanses as in any lawsuit.

  • 152 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 0615338178
  • Publisher : AMIGO PRESS
  • Language: English

The book starts with an explanation of the National Do-Not-Call Registry and what it means.  The author talks about how the list came about and, of course, all the loopholes our esteemed leader made sure there are in the legislation.

The book is divided into sections which you can follow in order.  This is not your usual dry legal mumbo jumbo, the kind you need a law degree to understand, but a straightforward, funny and informative text.  At the end of each section there is a checklist / bullet point / summary of what you should remember to do or ask.

Be sure to read the text and not just skip over to the end, not only is it informative and well written, but it also tells you about pitfalls to avoid.  For example, steps you need to take before recording a conversation, as to avoid being seated in the defendant side of the courtroom, or how to properly serve a notice.

But the book is not all fun and games, at the end there are several addenda which, even though are not an exciting read, should be kept close and looked at, especially if you intend to start the process.  The text for the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA),text from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as related to the subject matter, several sample forms as well as a sample trial brief and more are included.  For me, this was the real power of the book – not only expert support, but expert advice as well.

Overall I found “How To Sue A Telemarketer” an delightful, enlightening, entertaining and short (less then 100 pages) read.  I’ve read several books about legal cases and I even try to read Supreme Court opinions (as you should as well since they affect our daily lives), this was by far the easiest and less legalese to read.

Buy How to Sue a Telemarketer*
More Books by Stephen L. Ostrow*

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer: I got this book for free
*Amazon links point to an affiliate account, the money is usually spent on books
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How To Sue A Telemarketer by Stephen L. Ostrow
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Man of la Book

A father, husband, avid reader, blogger, software engineer & wood worker who is known the world over as a man of many interests and to his wife as “an idiot”.

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