Book Review: Bombing Hitler by Hellmut G. Haasis

Article first published as Book Review: Bombing Hitler: The Story of the Man Who Almost Assassinated the Führer by Hellmut G. Haasis, Translated by William Odom on Blogcritics

Bombing Hitler: The Story of the Man Who Almost Assassinated the Führer by Hellmut G. Haasis, (translated by William Odom) is the true story of Georg Elser and his failed attempt on Hitler’s life.

  • 240 pages
  • Publisher: Skyhorse Publishing
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1616087412

My rat­ing for Bombing Hitler4

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Bombing Hitler by Hellmut G. Haasis tells of Georg Elser’s decision to assassinate Hitler in a Munich Beer Hall. Elser’s said that he simply wanted to” prevent even greater bloodshed through my act”. Elser, a blue collar worker, worked and planned for months in order to plant a bomb in a pillar which supports the roof of the beer hall.  The bomb worked, killing eight people, but missing its intended target who had to leave early for Berlin (cutting his speech from 2 hours to a mere hour).

The book is a well researched document, using interviews from first hand sources as well as historical documentation, the author is not afraid to also provide some commentary as well as objective analysis which is a pleasure to read. Haasis takes the reader on a journey through a frightening police state, Elser’s brutal interrogations (with Himmler’s personal involvement), until he is executed in Dachau.

One of the books main goals is to resurrect Elser’s reputation. In the years after the war, Elser has been accused to being an SS agent, however through research and documentation, Haasis shows that he was anything but. In fact Elser put in danger all those he came in contact with and the whole town he grew up in.

Mr. Haasis did an excellent job recreating the steps Elser took to in his attempt to assassinate the oppressor, his escape attempt and time at the hands of the brutal SS. An inspiring story about a man who stood up for what he believes in, disregarding the odds and almost ended the biggest war the world has ever seen single-handedly.

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Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer: I got this book for free.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

Article first published as <a href=’‘>

Book Review: <i>Bombing Hitler: The Story of the Man Who Almost Assassinated the Führer</i> by Hellmut G. Haasis, Translated by William Odom</a> on Blogcritics
Man of la Book

A father, husband, avid reader, blogger, software engineer & wood worker who is known the world over as a man of many interests and to his wife as “an idiot”.

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  • This sounds very interesting. Not the kind I would blog about, since I blog for kids and teens, but the kind I would read. And thank you so much for referring me to Diane Saarinen. She contacted me and I can't wait to read the book for sent.

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