Book Review: Amazing Jewish Heroes Down Through The Ages by David Richard Goldberg


Amazing Jewish Heroes Down Through The Ages by David Richard Goldberg consists of short biographies of famous Jews. This is Mr. Goldberg’s second book.


My rating for Amazing Jewish Heroes Down Through The Ages – 4
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More books by David Richard Goldberg*

Ever since I was a child I enjoyed short non-fiction stories, I remember looking for these books (inventors were my favorite) in every library or book shop I went into. Amazing Jewish Heroes Down Through The Ages by David Richard Goldberg is exactly the kind of book I would have liked as a young man, short, to the point, tells good stories, and keeps my attention.

The book goes through the biographies in logical, chronological order of eleven biographies. Starting with Queen Esther and Rabbi Akiva, ending with current Israeli leaders. The author includes two American Jewish heroes, Haym Salomon, a financier of the American Revolution which made the victory at Yorktown possible, as well as Commodore  Uriah Phillips Levy, the first Jewish man to rise to that rank (he served during the American Civil War), and helped end flogging sailors. I heard the name of Mr. Levy before but couldn’t place it,  when I looked him up I immateriality remembered that he was mentioned when the family and I visited Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello – Mr. Levy was the third owner of the estate and went to great lengths to restore the house after it fell into disrepair.

As I mentioned, these are short biographies and are most likely meant to introduce one to these people, and if they’re interested get a more comprehensive biography. In my opinion this book is suited for persons at the age range of 9 – 14 or thereabouts. That being said, anyone who enjoys non-fiction in short bits, or simply want a refresher on these important Jewish men and women will enjoy this book.

Buy Amazing Jewish Heroes Down Through The Ages from*
More books by David Richard Goldberg*

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer: I got this book for free.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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Amazing Jewish Heroes Down Through The Ages by David Richard Goldberg
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Amazing Jewish Heroes Down Through The Ages by David Richard Goldberg
Man of la Book

A father, husband, avid reader, blogger, software engineer & wood worker who is known the world over as a man of many interests and to his wife as “an idiot”.

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