After Oz by Gordon McAlpine tells of what happens to Dorothy Gale after she returns from Oz with a remarkable story. Mr. McAlpine is a published, award-winning author and educator.
- 240 pages
- Publisher : Crooked Lane Books
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 1639107851
My rating for After Oz – 4
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I’ve read all of L. Frank Baum’s Wizard of Oz fantasy books, and while I enjoyed them, they did not age well. The movie, of course, is a timeless classic still enjoyed to this day.
After Oz by Gordon McAlpine is not what I expected it to be. I thought the book would be an examination by a psychologist of a young, seemingly delusional girl, only to realize that she might be telling the truth. Instead, I got a little of that but more of a murder/mystery story. Unexpected but nevertheless still enjoyable.
Despite the story taking place in the late 1800s, it’s still relevant. Unfortunately, hatred and bigotry didn’t go away, and the liberal vs. conservative mindset is on prominent display. Cult personality, mob mentality, and figurative/literal witch hunts are still part of our society. Those in power can decide, arbitrarily and with little evidence, to take someone’s freedom away can still happen.
The story is told through two points of view, the psychologist/amateur detective, and that of an anonymous resident of the town. Educated and liberal vs. closed minded conservative. One justifies their views through their learning, the other through Bible verses.
It’s strange choice and too one sided, especially considering European, left-wing academia during that time (which sadly is repeating itself).
Dr. Evelyn Grace Wilford is the only fleshed out character. Dorothy is barely in the book (but mentioned often) and the town’s people encompass every stereotype one could think of. The most interesting parts, the conversations between the doctor and the Dorothy are short and, frankly, are barely relevant to the plot.
I did enjoy this unusual twist of a classic story, it’s well written and with a fantastic premise. It’s a quick yet interesting read. I did wish that Dorothy’s conversations with the psychologist were in the center of the novel, nevertheless it was entertaining and a refreshing take on a familiar classic.
A tornado destroys the Gale farm, and much of the town of Sunbonnet, Kansas, 1896. Dorothy Gale is missing for days, worrying Aunt Em and Uncle Frank, when she mysteriously appears, unharmed, in a pumpkin patch with an incredible story.
When a rich, elderly single woman is murdered in the same way which Dorothy described killing a “witch” in her fantastic tales, it is assumed Dorothy is guilty and is put in an asylum. Dr. Evelyn Grace Wilford comes from the East Coast to interview the 11-year-old-girl, wondering if she really committed the crime.
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More Books by Gordon McAlpine*
Zohar — Man of la Book
Disclaimer: I got this book for free
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