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Book Bloggers Appreciation Week – Day 1

It is Book Blogger Appreciation Week – it’s a nice event which I participated in last year and somehow totally missed the “heads up” on it this year. Today discussion, titled “Appreciation” is to share a few blogs which you follow and enjoy.

Image from

Below are several blogs which I follow, enjoy and have posted in the past week. I follow many more and enjoy almost all of them. At the beginning of my blogging days, following was a quid pro quo activity, and at some level it still is today, but now I know which blogs I enjoy, which bloggers have the same taste as I do (in order to add for my never ending “to read” list), and which bloggers I disagree with which makes some good bookish discussions.

Without further ado, here is the list in alphabetical order:

At Home with Books –

The Children’s War –

Crazy for Books –

Gently Mad –

Lit and Life –

My Reader’s Block –

Reading in Taiwan –

Wordsmithonia –


There are many more of course….

Zohar – Man of la Book

Man of la Book

A father, husband, avid reader, blogger, software engineer & wood worker who is known the world over as a man of many interests and to his wife as “an idiot”.

View Comments

  • Hi Zohar, Thanks for including me in your list of appreciated blogs. Now, I would like to nominate you for the One Lovely Blog Award, simply because you have such a great blog.
    Please check it out at

    I don't know if you accept awards (and don't worry if you don't) but I always enjoy your blog and your tweets.


  • Thanks for the shout out! I can't believe I didn't even know BBAW was here until today. This will be my first year to not participate.

  • Love your blog.. and now looking forward to discovering the others on your list... and have to catch up on my reading challenge for your blog!

  • I somehow missed signing up for BBAW this year, too. It didn't occur to me to post as if I'd signed up...Silly Me! I wished I'd paid more attention to this post of yours on Monday!
    You listed some blogs I'm familiar with and think are great and some I don't know and am looking forward to visiting!

    I enjoy your blog and the variety of books you review and also your posts discussng various book-related issues. You always have something interesting and/or fun happening here. Thank you :o)
    I hope you're having a good week.

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