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BBAW Day 1: Community

I’m going to tell you right off the bat that I’m going to cheat.

This weeks marks the 2011 Book Blogger Appreciation Week.

Yes, I have my favorite book bloggers and they know who they are. There are several which I follow religiously but mostly I simply enjoy looking at my RSS feed knowing that there are many other bookish people out there who like to share their experience reading.

I’m a firm believer that reading was, and could be again, a social activity. In days of yore people use to sit around the fireplace taking turns reading passages out loud and discussing them. Those days were gone but they’re coming back.

Instead of a glowing fire (sounds romantic but imagine the dirt, cinder and smoke) we have glowing computer screens and we don’t read out loud anymore but we certainly discuss the books. The beauty of it is that we can get opinions of people across the ocean and, based on our own depiction of reality, discuss how a certain book affected us in different ways.

Book blogging also takes a huge amount of time, several hours a day to maintain a consistent blog (lots of reading and writing). Whether I agree or disagree with my fellow book bloggers, whether I enjoyed the book they hated, or even if I wouldn’t be caught dead with a book they loved I still appreciate the hard work that went into each and every post.

So here’s to you – yes you, with the blog, eye fatigue and the early signs of carpal tunnel syndrome.
YOU made the world a better place one post at a time.

Zohar – Man of la Book

Man of la Book

A father, husband, avid reader, blogger, software engineer & wood worker who is known the world over as a man of many interests and to his wife as “an idiot”.

View Comments

  • I love your analogy of the glowing screens :) It's true, so much community and discussion and that is what it's all about isn't it :D

  • Well said. I enjoy and read too many different blogs to try and choose favorites. And I appreciate everyone's hard work because you really have to love this to keep doing it.

  • Happy BBAW, Zohar - always love visiting your blog - you always have an interesting perspective and a great (much needed) dose of humor.

  • that was the thing I found, how much of a social experience my reading world has become, from what was a predominantly insular thing.

  • You'll be pleased to know that when my classes are studying a book, I read as much of it aloud to them as possible. Could be my theatre background. Or maybe I know that if I read it (as opposed to giving them independent reading homework), I know they're all actually going to be exposed to the story.

    And I'm constantly impressed by bloggers who manage to put out new posts as often as they do.

    Paul D. Dail A horror writer's not necessarily horrific blog

  • "So here’s to you – yes you, with the blog, eye fatigue and the early signs of carpal tun­nel syn­drome."

    Thanks for the chuckle and for stopping by my blog!

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