Categories: Author Q&A

Author Q and A with Brian James Freeman

Brian James Freeman (website) is a prolific author, at age 14 he sold his first story and hasn’t stopped since.   I’ve been introduced to Brian’s work when I downloaded his free full length eBook “The Painted Darkness” (book websitebook review), which was actually one of my first posted reviews on this blog.

Brian had a very courageous marketing plan for “The Painted Darkness” – he gave away the eBook & audiobook for free, for a limited time (check the website if the offer still stands) hoping it will generate sales.

How did that work out?

Let’s find out.

Q. For a limited time you let readers download an eCopy and/or audio book of “The Painted Darkness: for free.  Why did you decide to do so?
A. It’s really hard to get new books noticed these days unless they’re written by authors who are already well  known.  There’s just so many entertainment options out there, it’s tough to get your work in front of readers.  Giving a book away for free seemed like a tremendous way to get feedback and find some new readers.  Plus, I hoped that the publicity from the experiment would lead to more sales for the hardcover edition, which will be published
by the end of the year.


Q.  How did the promotion work?
A. It’s been a huge success.  Tens of thousands of people have downloaded the free eBook, and thousands more have preordered the hardcover edition.  We couldn’t be more pleased.  Halloween, October 31, marks your last chance to download the book for free at, too!

Q.   How do you, as an author, make social media work for you promoting your books?
A. You need to use any method you can to connect with your readers.  Social networks are a great way to stay in touch with anyone who likes your work so they know when the next book is coming out.

Q. You¹ve worked with some of the most known authors in the world (Stephen King, Mick Garris, Stewart O’Nan, etc.) ­ any one specific anecdote you can share?
A. Just that all of them have been the nicest people in the world to work with. No egos, no drama, no problems.  They’re genuinely great guys and fun to publish!

Q. Shameless plug disguised as a wise ass question: Why do you love so much and often visit the website?
Wise Guy Answer: It’s easily, without a doubt, my favorite book related website run by someone named Zohar!

Thank you Brian for answering.  I’m glad that his audacious marketing plan worked out, I guess you never know until you try.

By the way – Brian’s books are perfect for Halloween.

Zohar – Man of la Book


Article Name
Author Q and A with Brian James Freeman
Brian had a very courageous marketing plan for “The Painted Darkness” – he gave away the eBook & audiobook for free, for a limited time (check the website if the offer still stands) hoping it will generate sales.
Publisher Name
Man of la Book - A Bookish Blog
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Man of la Book

A father, husband, avid reader, blogger, software engineer & wood worker who is known the world over as a man of many interests and to his wife as “an idiot”.

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