Today’s topic on Armchair BEA is out of my league, the question is about favorite fantasy/sci fi / horror etc.
My brain is not wired for these type of stories, once in a while I can read a magic book like Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell but that’s just about it. I tried to read Lord of the Rings several times, including listening to the audio book, because people told me how great it was and I kept thinking I was missing something.
But I couldn’t get 100 pages in.
Same with Game of Thrones.
Same with Harry Potter.
There are two genre fiction I like to read, those taking place in or around World War II – a subject which I’m fascinated about and novels about espionage (which are usually set around that time as well).
But let’s face it, a good book is a good book regardless of genre. Sure we’re able to narrow down what we want to read based on a myriad of factors (author, cover, blurb) including genre.
Armchair BEA – Day 2 – Genre Fiction
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Have you read any of Philip K. Dick’s work? (I know. Terrible name. People often refer to him as PKD.) He wrote the books that became “Blade Runner” and “Minority Report.” He’s amaaaaazing. I would start with “The Man in The High Castle.” It’s alternate history–if Germany and Japan won the war. I think the Syfy channel is turning it into a miniseries. His books are a perfect marriage of literature and science fiction.
Thank you for the recommendations Helen, I’ll check them out.
Strangely, I had a hard time getting through “Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell.” I think the pacing was a turnoff for me–we learned a lot about the characters, but didn’t really see them do very much.
Some books/genres aren’t for everyone. I have yet to find a romance novel that I can tolerate, and it isn’t for lack of wanting or trying.
Yes, it’s not for everyone, my wife didn’t care for it either.
“a good book is a good book regardless of genre.” YES TO THIS.
A good book is a good book indeed!