I didn’t find Framed by John Grisham and Jim McCloskey as astonishing as the title suggests, but more enraging, alarming, and terrifying
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Alberto de Lacerda – A prominent Portuguese poet and radio personality. Mr. Lacerda is considered to be Portugal’s most admired and distinguished poets.
Louis L’Amour (22 March, 1908 – 10 June, 1988) was a best selling American writer, known for his Western novels writing 100 novels, more than 250 short stories
The mash up of a Mexican western, a generational saga, and magical realism works extremely well at the hands of this talented author.
The strong plot in the first half of the book is very enjoyable but loses it in a bizarre second half. I enjoyed it very much even though
Larry McMurtry was an American novelist, book collector, bookseller and screenwriter. He is know for writing about present day Texas, or the Old West.
The Rain God by Arturo Islas is a complex and layered novel beautifully portrays family dynamics and assimilation struggles in a small immigrant town.
I enjoyed reading John Tyler, the Accidental President and learned a lot about a President whose name most Americans won’t even recognize.
American soldier Frank Moster gets involved with an Italian family and helps them survive. All of their lives will be changed during the Battle of San Pietro.
I was drawn to this book’s themes. Immigration, human rights, and racism sadly seem all to be forefront and center in our collective reality.