Search results for: salman rushdie

Book Review: The Golden House by Salman Rushdie
5 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / September 18, 2017

About: The Golden House by Salman Rushdie is a novel about a powerful tycoon who immigrates to the US. This is the thirteenth novel from Mr. Rushdie’s arsenal of tales, it is the first one I read but am looking forward to filling the backlog. 400 pages Publisher: Random House Language: English ISBN-10: 0399592806 My rat­ing for The Golden House — 5 Buy The Golden House from* More Books by Salman Rushdie Thoughts: The first thing I noticed about The Golden House by Salman Rushdie is its use of pop-culture to tell an all new American story. Luckily we live in an age where it’s easy to check a refrence to get the gist of what the author meant to convey. Frankly I didn’t need to google a reference too often, but occasionally I did. I don’t know if that’s good or bad. As a movie lover, I did get many of the references but I took the time to view the Criterion Collection which I recommend anyway. Mr. Rushdie uses the story of immigrants, the contemptuous election of the 45th President, and our love of pop-culture to write social commentary to today’s society and media. The author doesn’t shy away from allowing the reader to…

Fun Facts Friday: Salman Rushdie
Fun Facts Friday , Latest Posts / June 19, 2015

When The Satanic Verses came out several book stores in England and the US had bomb scares, two Islamic clerics were murdered for publicly questioning the fatwa and book burnings were held throughout the world.
Even the most astute PR firm could come up with such brilliant marketing.

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