Search results for: legal mystery

Book Review: Hart’s War by John Katzenbach
4 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / February 27, 2017

About: Hart’s War by John Katzenbach is a fictional book taking place in a prisoner of war (POW) camp during World War II. Mr. Katzenbach was as a criminal court reporter before turning to thrillers. 490 pages Publisher: Ballantine Books Language: English ISBN-10: 034542624X My rat­ing for Hart’s War — 4 Buy Hart’s War from* More Books by John Katzenbach Check out this & more World War II books on Man of la BookStore Thoughts: I bought Hart’s War by John Katzenbach when the book came out, and recently revisited it. I remember how much I enjoyed this combination WWII, legal thriller and thought it would be fun to read again. The cast of characters in the book is flushed out, the reader gets to know each individual of the main players in the narrative. It is amazing that the author can tell the reader much about each character in a few short sentences. Everyone in th4e book have their personality traits and faults, the Tuskegee Airman is not a cliché, the Nazis aren’t pure evil, and Hart is not a shining crusader. The book is long, sometimes a bit preachy, but that did not take away from the enjoyment of…

Book Review: Asylum City by Liad Shoham
5 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / February 3, 2015

The author casts a wide net across Israeli society when it comes to solving the murder Anat is working on. Anat is a strong protagonist who loves her job and has to deal with rampant sexism of her co-workers and her superiors who have half her intelligence.

Book Review: The Alligator Man by James Sheehan
4 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / November 20, 2013

Lawyer Kevin Wylie works for a shady boss who knowingly protects criminals under the thinly veiled disguise of being their lawyer. When he finds out that his estranged father is dying, Kevin decides to try and renew his relationship and leaves.

During his visit Kevin reconnects with his past and helps a family friend, Billy, who is charged with murder of a corporate tycoon who destroyed the lives of thousands of people (think Enron).

Author Q&A with Liad Shoham
Latest Posts / October 2, 2013

Liad Shoham is a successful Israeli author who recently had his book, Lineup, translated into English. As we all realize, being a successful author in one country does not necessarily mean you’ll be able to cross over to another countries especially if they have difference languages and cultures. Publishers don’t like to take chances and one must be an excellent author and present their case in order to even be considered. Q. What prompted you, a successful attorney, to start writing crime/mystery books? A. Well, when I started writing I was hardly a successful attorney. I was 26 years old and just graduated a master degree from the University of London. I came home to Israel and started working as a lawyer. The notion that this was the “first day of the rest of my life” depressed me. So in the evenings when I came back from work I started writing short stories based on my experiences in London. I never wrote before and discovered that I enjoyed it very much. I initially had no thought of publishing but when the pile got bigger and bigger; I decided to try my luck and sent it to a few publishers in Israel….

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