Looking to learn more about personal finance it can feel intimidating. There are a lot of resources available combing through all of them can be a hassle
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Andrés Bello (29 November, 1781 – 15 October, 1865) was a Venezuelan poet, diplomat, educator, and philosopher. He is the intellectual father of South America
Charles Perrault (12 January, 1628 – 15 May, 1703) was a French author and writer. He is known for creating the fairy tale literary genre.
John Howard Payne was an American playwright, songwriter, composer, actor, & politician. During his lifetime he was very popular but found success in London
Thomas Otway (3 March, 1652 – 14 April, 1685) was an dramatist, poet, and playwright from England. He is best known for his play Venice Preserv’d.
Jho Low, a Malaysian businessman, and Wharton graduate has been accused of stealing $4.5 billion from the Malaysian state development fund
Although we’d love for every writer to experience getting a book published, many don’t because of how significant the investment is.
The “starving artist” stereotype has been around for years. Unfortunately, it continues to stick for plenty of good reasons.
Sylvia Porter (18 June, 1913 – 5 June, 1991) was an economist, journalist and author from Patchogue, New York, on the south shore of Long Island.
The premise of Work the System is simple: cut down complex jobs to manageable tasks and work those, it is applicable to almost every industry, and life itself.