Stefan George (12 July, 1868 – 4 December, 1933) was a German poet and translator. While primarily a poet, he also edited several literary magazines
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At Harvard Longfellow lectured, and directed the Modern Languages department which consisted men teaching in Spanish, French, Italian, and German. When one of them fell ill or need a replacement, Longfellow filled in.
Vladimir Mayakovsky (7 July, 1893 – 14 April, 1930) was a Russian poet, playwright, and actor. He was a famous figure in the Russian Futurist movement
Frans Michael Franzén (9 February, 1772 – 14 August, 1847) born in Oulu, Sweden (now Finland) was a poet, clergyman, and educator
Miklós Zrínyi was a Hungarian poet, statesman and military leader. His poem The Peril of Sziget is the first epic poem in Hungarian literature
Joost van den Vondel is one of the great Dutch writers. His status as a national poet was cemented when the country was evolving as a national state
Luovico Ariosto (8 September, 1474 – 6 July, 1533) was a notable Italian poet. He is still remembered for Orlando Furioso, his 1516 romance epic.
Jan Neruda is a Czech poet, considered to be an outstanding 19th Century figure in literature. He is known for his sardonic tales, poems, and short stories
A Tale of One January by Albert Maltz is a historical-fiction story of two women who escaped from a Nazi death March in January, 1945
William Wordsworth was an English poet and journalist. He is considered one of the founders of English Romanticism and is best known for Lyrical Ballads