A novel following the life of a Spanish woman’s journey from her humble beginnings as a poor seamstress, to an English spy during World War II.
Search results for: espionage
Operation Bethlehem by Yariv Inbar is a fascinating glimpse into a world where the heroes are anonymous and want to stay that way
This new, PC world-building is done without nuance, taste, or elegance, shoving activism into the faces of people who just want an escapist fantasy
While certainly not as good as the previous novels, especially those involving spycraft, Mr. Silva still spins an entertaining yarn
Thom Shubilla starts with an overview of James Bond’s movies from the 1960s, followed by a section of other forms of media they inspired.
Despite a seemingly complex plot, involving many characters & financial crimes, I found it easy to follow & am looking forward to see if it is part of a series
The Traitor by Ava Glass is an easy-to-read page turner, with vivid description,Mediterranean ports-of-call, and tension, as danger lurks behind every page
Portrait of an Unknown Woman by Daniel Silva is the 22nd book in the Gabriel Allon series, where the retired Israeli spy is investigating an art forgery ring
This is an exciting, fast-paced, and well-written book. Mr. Follet crafts a great espionage chase of MI5 agents on the trail of Faber
My favorite part of Never by Ken Follettwas almost a step-by-step telling of how on-the-ground intelligence impacts national policy