Search results for: Third Reich

Fun Facts Friday: William L. Shirer
Fun Facts Friday , Latest Posts / February 23, 2018

William L. Shirer (23 February, 1904 – 28 December, 1993) was an American journalist, author and war correspondent. Mr. Shirer’s best known work is the a history of Nazi Germany titled The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Books by William L. Shirer* 1) As a college graduate, Mr. Shirer worked his way from his hometown of Chicago to Europe on a cattle boat in 1925. He stayed on the European continent for the next 15 years. 2) in 1934 Mr. Shirer was hired by the Belin bureau of Universal Service, owned by William Randolph Hearst. Mr. Shirer said that this moves was going from “bad to Hearst”. 3) As a journalist, Mr. Shirer first came into the public eye during 1940, reporting on the radio on the rise of the Nazi dictatorship. 4) Mr. Shirer was the first reporter that Edward R. Murrow hired for this CBS radio team which became to be known as “Murrow’s Boys”. 5) At first Mr. Shirer felt that his voice was unsuitable for radio. At first print journalists were prohibited from talking on the radio (a policy that both Mr. Shirer and Mr. Murrow found absurd), but CBS changed that policy in 1938. At the time, German…

Book Review: Anatomy of a Genocide by Omer Bartov
5 Stars , Latest Posts , Non-Fiction / January 27, 2018

About: Anatomy of a Genocide: The Life and Death of a Town Called Buczacz by Omer Bartov tells of the violent history in a small Polish town during World War II, when people who lived side by side their whole lives turned on one another. Mr. Bartov is an Israeli scholars who went off to write a family history and stumbled onto something bigger. The publisher is giving away 1 copy of this book – enter using the Rafflecopter form at the end of the post. 416 pages Publisher: Simon & Schuster; First Edition edition (January 23, 2018) Language: English ISBN-10: 1451684533 My rating for Anatomy of a Genocide – 5 Buy Anatomy of a Genocide from* More Books by Omer Bartov Thoughts: This is the book I was waiting to read for a long time. I have had interest in World War II for many decades, I read numerous history books and works of fiction, all trying to explain human nature and the brutality which ensued, seemingly out of nowhere. But we all know that it wasn’t out of nowhere. And we all know that atrocities don’t just “happen”. Mr. Bartov’s mother was raised in Buczacz (present day Ukraine), one day on offhand remark to her son…

The Annual Lame “Best Of” Book List – 2013
Latest Posts / November 28, 2013

As is my habit (and many others), I publish a lame “best of” list every year. Mind you, these are just some of the book I really enjoyed this year, but not all. Usually a waste of cyberspace on Thanksgiving but hey … why not, right? Hope you enjoy my list, maybe get a few recommendations for you and yours and have a Happy Thanksgiving. Outlaw Platoon by Sean Parnell &John Bruning Out­law Pla­toon raises some impor­tant ques­tions which needed to be asked (pre­pared­ness, effec­tive­ness, pro­fes­sion­al­ism) but that are dif­fi­cult to face. The book is a must-read for any­one inter­ested in the cur­rent war, com­bat or mil­i­tary life. Buy this book in paper or elec­tronic format* The Ariadne Objective: The Underground War to Rescue Crete from the Nazis by Wes Davis The Ari­adne Objec­tive reads like a first rate World War II spy novel which could only be the prod­uct of the author’s fevered imag­i­na­tion. The fact the this book is non-fiction, with all the col­or­ful char­ac­ters, humor and fan­tas­tic adven­tures makes it all the better. Buy this book in paper or elec­tronic format* The Color of Light by Helen Maryles Shankman The Color of Light by Helen Maryles Shankman is a novel which explores art, the Holo­caust, human­ity and, of course, vam­pires. The vam­pire in the story runs…

Book Review: Hitler’s Furies: German Women in the Nazi Killing Fields by Wendy Lower
5 Stars , Latest Posts , Non-Fiction / October 8, 2013

The Reich’s brainwashing of racial purity was so successful many didn’t question it. If you wanted a job or a promotion you “did your duty” even if that meant mass murder. However, this is not an excuse, in war time perception of “right” and “wrong” get muddied, but that usually occurs on an individual scale, not when it comes to the assist and/or participating in genocide or a bastardized form of euthanasia (killing your own soldiers who were left mentally or physically injured in battle).

Excited About Upcoming Non-Fiction?
Latest Posts / July 10, 2012

BAND (Bloggers’ Alliance of Nonfiction Devotees) is a group of people devoted to reading and discussing nonfiction and to promote its nonboringness. Its brilliant! Each month they post a question which other members answer. BAND’s brilliant leader is Kim @ Sophisticated Dorkiness. Check her blog out! The post today is about upcoming new non-fiction books which you are excited about? I do read a lot of non-fiction books, not solely because I don’t like to box myself into a corner, but I do like to learn something…anything … from my reading. One could argue that you cold learn as much from fiction books as you do from non-fiction, but this isn’t what this post is about. I’m always on the lookout for interesting books, the thing is I never know what would I would find interesting, there is no genre or subject. Sometimes I get on a kick, for instance a few years ago I read any book which deals with the American Civil War, then moved on to the Civil War Generals’ biographies, then to the American Revolution, then to simple physics – no rhyme or reason. Without further ado and not in order, here are five books which either…

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