Search results for: Don Quixote

Review: Don Quixote for a New Millennium by Diogenes Rodriguez
Latest Posts / November 13, 2012

When I first got the email from Mr. Rodriguez about his new play, my first instinct was to tell him that I might not be the right blogger to read it. After all, I’m not much for plays, however Mr. Rodriguez’s email was very intriguing – I accepted and I’m glad I did. Buy this play in paper or electronic format* Don Quixote For a New Millennium: The Adventures of Don Quixote and Sancho at the Ducal Court by Diogenes Rodriguez tells the old story of Don Quixote with a new translation which tries to capture the spirit of the book. As anyone can tell you, Don Quixote is a difficult book to translate because much of the humor, stories and innuendos depends on your understanding of the language and culture, much like Shakespeare’s plays. Mr. Rodriguez achieves this by introducing a narrator into the story which helps explain the audience what’s going on and move the story forward. The play itself is captivating and, I believe, manages to capture the spirit in which Cervantes intended to convey in his classic book. However, the real surprise for me was the part at the beginning which deals with history, linguistics and the philosophy of Don Quixote. I loved the…

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