Codebreaker Girls: A Secret Life at Bletchley Park is a non-fiction account of the life of Daisy Lawrence, who worked at Bletchley Park during World War II.
Whether you’ve written an article, a journalistic piece that gets released, or a book or novel, for most authors, writing comes from a place of true passion.
This graphic novel recounts The White Rose Anti-Nazi activities of Sophie Scholl, Hans Scholl, Christoph Probst, Alexander Schmorell and Willi Graf during WWII
Robert Frost (26 March, 1874 – 29 January, 1963) was a Pulitzer Prize winning American poet known for many poems including A Road Not Taken,and A Boy’s Will
How Beautiful We Were is, in a word, fatalistic. The villagers are fighting a lost cause,– The David vs. Goliath story slowly morphs into a nuanced conflict.
Bishop of Poitiers blocks Clotlid as abbess to control the Monastery along with a “True Cross” splinter. The rebel nun escape on journey to appeal for help
Books are important parts of any literature lover’s home, but a simple row of books can start to feel stale. You may wish to spruce up your bookshelf or display
Kathrine Swift is a talented pianist who married the competent banker James Warburg meets and falls in love with composer George Gershwin in this music novel
Sir Richard Francis Burton (19 March, 1821 – 20 October, 1890) was an English writer, translator, explorer, poet, diplomat, and spy… among many other interests.
Books are often associated with unlikely things but health isn’t always on the list. And yet, this oft-overlooked aspect of reading is a powerful one.