Fun Facts Friday: Ludwig Bemelmans
Fun Facts Friday , Latest Posts / April 27, 2018

Ludwig Bemelmans (27 April, 1898 – 1 October, 1962) was a painter, illustrator, and writer for both children and adults, he is mostly known for his Madeline children’s’ books. Books by Ludwig Bemelmans* Born in Mera, Austria-Hungry (now Italy), the author was the son of a hotel owner. He spoke French and German since childhood. After Mr. Bemelmans shot and wounded a waiter in an Austrian hotel he was forced to emigrate to the United States (he was an apprentice and preferred the US over reform school). During World War II he joined the US Army, but was not sent to Europe because of his German origins. He did, however, became a Second Lieutenant. Barbara, the author’s daughter, inspired the character of The author won the Caldecott Medal for US picture book illustration in 1953 for the book Madeline’s Rescue. Aristotle Onassis hired Mr. Bemelmans to design and paint a scene at the children’s dining room on his yacht, the Christina O. A mural titled “Central Park” by Mr. Bemelmans decorates the Bemelmans Bar at the Carlyle Hotel in NYC. This is his only work which is publicly displayed. John Bemelmans-Marciano, Mr. Bemelmans grandson, has taken over the Madeline series…

Guest Post: A Writer’s Handbook: 10 Self-Editing Techniques You Need to Know
Guest Posts , Latest Posts / April 24, 2018

So, you’re in the process of writing your book, you’re coming up to completion and now comes the part of the process where you need to edit your book to perfection. If you’ve chosen to self-edit your book, this gives you full control over your content, so you can make it exactly how you want it. However, you’ll want to make sure that you’re not missing anything out, so it’s perfect. Today, we’re going to explore ten of the most important tips you need to know in order to make your book perfect for your readers. #1 – Be Self-Critical Although you’ve spent hours and hours writing your book, now is the time to develop a thick skin when it comes to critiquing yourself. When you’re reading through your book, there may be entire paragraphs that you feel don’t work that will need to be removed or edited. While deleting bulk areas of your content may be heart-breaking, it’s essential if you want your book to be as good as it can be. #2 – Remain Concise More commonly referred to as ‘throat-clearing’, this is where your story begins at the beginning, or even after a new chapter, two or…

Graphic Novel Review: Batman Vol. 3: I Am Bane (Rebirth) by Tom King
5 Stars , Fiction , Graphic Novels , Latest Posts / April 23, 2018

About: Batman Vol. 3: I Am Bane (Rebirth) by Tom King (illustrated by David Finch) finishes up the Bane story in the Batman Rebirth line. This graphic novel collects Batman #16-20, 23-24, and Annual #1 Story. 176 pages Publisher: DC Comics Language: English ISBN-10: 1401271316 My rating for Batman Vol. 3: I Am Bane – 5 Buy Batman Vol. 3: I Am Bane from* More Books by Tom King Thoughts: The graphic novel Batman Vol. 3: I Am Bane (Rebirth) by Tom King (illustrated by David Finch) brings the storyline to an exciting end when Bane launches an all out assault on Gotham. Tom King is quickly becoming one of my favorite comic book writers working today. The story is easy to follow, exciting, and the art work is solid, making the whole cast looking remarkable throughout. There is a stylistic break during the Swamp Thing story, but it fits very well and I didn’t mind it. Tom King is making his own Batman, taking advantage of the character’s history, weaknesses, flaws and, of course, his strength. He handles Bane very well, making him a villain which resides on the same side of the coin of the hero he is fighting. Mr. King enjoys elevating Batman…

Book Review: How Google Works by Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg
4 Stars , Latest Posts , Non-Fiction / April 18, 2018

About: How Google Works by Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg is a non-fiction book about the business practices of this famous company. Mr. Schmidt was the Executive Chairman of Google from 2001 to 2017 and Alphabet Inc. from 2015 to 2017, Mr. Rosenberg is the former Senior Vice President of Products at Google and current advisor to Alphabet Inc. CEO Larry Page. 304 pages Publisher: Grand Central Publishing Language: English ISBN-10: 1455582344 My rating for How Google Works – 4 Buy How Google Works from* More Books by Eric Schmidt* More Books by Jonathan Rosenberg* Thoughts: At this point in time Google is so successful the name has become a verb, something few companies achieved. In How Google Works by Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg the two authors write about shooting for the stars, not necessarily the over the next obstacle, or in practical terms, the next quarter’s earnings. The one thing I always admired about Google is how the company invests in smart people who do smart things based on real world physics and future thinking. The smart folks at Google know what’s possible, come up with a bad/good/great idea and have the resources to simply go at it. Some of these ideas stick, and some don’t. The authors…

Guest Post: Confessions of a Clone by Hester Velmans
Guest Posts , Latest Posts / April 17, 2018

Hester Velmans CONFESSIONS OF A CLONE In the debate about the wisdom of cloning a beloved dog, as Barbara Streisand recently did, one assumption is that at some point, when the technology has been refined, rich people who can afford it will want to clone themselves, out of a narcissistic desire to see an exact reproduction of themselves. Soon we’ll have swarms of little Bill Gateses, mini-Kardashians, Trumps or Zuckerbergs throwing their combined weight around. Perish the thought! Speaking as a clone myself, I think that prospect is highly unlikely. I have lived with the same genetic makeup as my identical-twin sister all my life, and though I highly recommend twinship as a guarantee against loneliness (a built-in lifelong friend is a great gift, and I don’t knock it!), I doubt even the most eccentric billionaire would truly be happy being cloned. Of course the attention my sister and I received was very gratifying when were little. “Oh, look, how cute, twins!” strangers would coo at us in our adorable identical outfits. We were hooked on dressing alike and would burst into tears if by mistake one of us was wearing white socks and the other pink…

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