Guest Post: The ironing board desk and the fountain pen
Guest Posts , Latest Posts / December 2, 2016

David Dunham is the author of The Silent Land, a novel set in England between 1903 and 1919, and is currently writing The Legend of Caradoc. You can find him at: @ddunhamauthor and on Facebook at and through his website, The ironing board desk and the fountain pen I admit, I’ve done it. In the early days, that is: the searching for novelists’ daily word counts. I felt dirty doing it, ashamed even, ashamed that I was comparing myself to others and matching my own average to that of the masters. And then I stopped, not through sudden disinterest, but because it was futile. My environment for writing The Silent Land was different to others’. At times, it was ideal in that it was quiet, I had an antique desk and there was a kettle close by. At other times, not so, in that my office was the laundry room at the back of the house where the noise from the building site was not as violent as at the front, and my desk was an ironing board, and there was no kettle, just an iron. And then there was the method. The Silent Land is set in…

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