Fun Facts Friday: Tadeusz Różewicz
Fun Facts Friday , Latest Posts / October 9, 2015

Tadeusz Różewicz (9 October, 1921 – 24 April, 2014) was a renowned Polish poet “Różewicz cropped” by Michał Kobyliński from – Poetyckie Foto Niusy – File:Rozewicz Grass.JPG. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5 via Commons. During World War II Mr. Różewicz was in the Polish underground. Mr. Różewicz is considered to be of the first generation of Polish writers who were born after Poland regained its independence in 1918. The poet had two brothers, Janusz also a poet, and Stanislaw, a famous film director. Both of them were also in Polish underground Janusz was executed by the Gestapo in 1944. Mr. Różewicz’s mother was born Jewish but converted to Catholicism. When he wrote his first play in 1960, Mr. Różewicz already published 15 acclaimed poetry books. Mr. Różewicz has written over a dozen plays and several screenplays. Mr. Różewicz’s works were translated into all major languages. His first poems were religious and he never quite lost sight of the idea of good and evil. Mr. Różewicz’s generation survived a chaotic redrawing of Europe’s map, the rise of fascism, German occupation horrors of World War II, and the Soviet iron hand over their country.

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