About: Forty Acres by Dwayne Alexander Smith is an engaging novel which is thought provoking with an interesting premise. This is Mr. Smith’s debut novel. 384 pages Publisher: Atria Books Language: English ISBN-10: 1476730539 My rating for Forty Acres – 4 Buy this book from in paper or electronic format* Thoughts: Forty Acres by Dwayne Alexander Smith is an interesting novel which makes the reader think how one would avenge a sin caused by their forefathers. The novel also takes a look at racism and getting justice through revenge. This is a contemporary novel and the author included “ripped from the headlines” events about race. More than the upfront, in your face premise, I thought the book made me think about the social consequences in American society which racism and discrimination causes. The injustices which were suffered long ago in the open, still exist in places, however they are covered with honey but are not any sweeter. The struggle to overcome these injustices make some people do things which they otherwise wouldn’t dream of, and shape their character in a way many of us couldn’t understand. I enjoyed the unique premise of the book, it is an interesting, yet…