Excerpt: Hitting Fear Head On by Biff & Laurie Boggs
Latest Posts / May 12, 2014

The pub­lisher is giv­ing away one copy of this book –to enter fill out the Raf­fle­copt­ter form at the end of the post. “Please don’t cut off my legs,” I scream, as the Jaws of Life chew through the wreckage. The loud blast reverberates around me. Overcome with anxiety, I feel vulnerable. It takes the fire department 45 minutes to remove the car’s roof and cut me out of the wreckage. My legs look like they went through a meat grinder. The pain is so piercing it causes me to pass out on the way to Riverton Hospital. The Emergency Room doctors rush me into surgery to save my life by removing my spleen. I am abruptly awakened by gut-wrenching pressure, ‘Oh my God, I am awake! I CAN FEEL EVERY SLICE OF THE KNIFE!’ The operation brings my suffering to the edge. I try to scream out in an agony of pain, but no one can hear me since I have a tube down my throat. I move my hand to let the surgical team know I am conscious. However, the staff misreads my movement as muscles spasms, and continues to carve into me, shredding the inside of my abdomen…

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