Tightwad Tuesday — Free or Affordable eBooks — Military Strategy
Latest Posts , Tightwad Tuesday / August 28, 2012

Military Strategy… can books get anymore interesting? Reading about heroics in battle is the stuff which makes books exciting, but strategy is what makes them interesting. Heck, The Hunger Games is about strategy as much as the Killer Angels is even though they are two very different styles of storytelling and genre. Of course there is the grandaddy of all military strategy books, The Art of War which is being talked about today as much as it was many moons ago. The lessons in these books do not belong only on the battlefield, but in everyday life whether at home or in business. Check them out, let me know what you think. Check out the books below, I only found one for free but the rest are $0.99 at the time this post was written. Authors: If you’d like your book to be fea­tured on Tight­wad Tues­days please email me. Harold’ The Last of The Saxon Kings [Illustrated] by Edward Bulwer-Lytton Digital List Price: $0.99 Print List Price: $18.98 Kindle Price: $0.95 includes free wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet You Save: $18.03 (95%) Harold Godwinson, (1022 – October 14, 1066 A.D.) also known as Harold II, is widely regarded as the…

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