I love graphic novels. As much as I read many people assume I’m a book snob, OK – maybe, but I do appreciate the graphic novel format. I haven’t been able to figure out the eFormat of graphic novels yet. I read a few on my nook but had to transfer them over to the computer, it simply didn’t work for me but it’s getting better. The story telling in graphic novels takes much talent and work. One cannot simply draw a picture of men in tights, it takes thought, articulation on at least two fronts (writing and drawing), sometimes three (color) and even more. Even though comics have a reputation of being for kids, many comics and graphic novels (a long comic or a collected series) are actually for adults. Believe it or not many graphic novels are written in college level English and several comic book series are the longest running publication using college English (The New York Times is written in 8th grade level English). That being said – below are a few graphic novels I found which are free (at the time of this post). Authors: If you’d like your book to be featured on Tightwad…