Eight (+1) Books for Father’s Day
Latest Posts / June 16, 2012

It’s not too late, it’s really not. You can still buy your dad a gift for Father’s Day, especially with the speed that eBooks or gift cards can be delivered. Here are my top 5 recommendations for father’s day gifts which your dad would love. For the History Buff: Wash­ing­ton: A Life by Ron Cher­now This mar­velous Pulitzer win­ner book breaks the wooden image of Wash­ing­ton and brings out the char­ac­ter of the man we all learned about with all his charm and personality. For the Conspiracy Theorist: Ene­mies: A His­tory of the FBI by Tim Weiner – A marvelous book which about tells of the 100 year his­tory of the famous orga­ni­za­tion. Mr. Weiner is a Pulitzer Prize win­ning author and a for­mer New York Times reporter who wrote largely about Amer­i­can security. For the Ambitious Dad: The Art of War by Sun Tzu While The Art of War was certainly written with ancient Chinese generals in mind, it applies to all types of management and could be read over and over again (the book is about 64 pages) with new insights every time. The gift that keeps on giving. For The Square Dad: Inside Delta Force by Eric L. Haney Do you ever wish your square…

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