Guest Post by Bruce Sallan – “Men Are Parents, Too aka Why I Wrote My Book”
Guest Posts , Latest Posts / June 14, 2011

When I tell people that I write a parenting column and host a radio show about parenting, relationships, and other “emotional” reactions, I often get a surprised reaction as if men shouldn’t or can’t address these issues. How ironic in our so-called progressive and PC times. The reality is actually that things are far from equal between men and women. In so many ways, women have more advantages today since they are finally allowed to choose work and/or being a mom. Sadly, dads are still disparaged in real life if they choose not to work or to be a SAHD (Stay-At-Home-Dad). I learned this the hard way: by living and experiencing it. As with so many of life’s experiences, it wasn’t the way I’d planned it. I love the saying, “You make plans and God laughs” as that, describes very well, the last ten years of my life. The second chapter of my life began, in a nutshell and without all the gory and self-pitying sounding details, when my marriage ended about eight years ago and my wife, the mother of my two boys, left. I mean, “Left.” She saw the boys briefly the first year of our separation but…

Cover Gallery: 1984
Cover Gallery , Latest Posts / June 11, 2011

While doing my research for yesterday’s post, Friday Fun Facts: 1984, I discovered some wonderful covers that have been done for the book over the years. Here are some, hope you enjoy them – let me know which one is your favorite. Picture from Image from Penguin Books has commissioned Shepard Fairey of Obey to create two new book covers for two George Orwell classics: Animal Farm and 1984. Picture from Zohar – Man of la book Related articles Shepard Fairey Movie Poster of the Day ( Awesome Poster Art for THEY LIVE – By ‘Obey’ Artist Shepard Fairey ( First look at Shepard Fairey’s Mondo They Live Poster! [Video] ( Cool Stuff: Shepard Fairey’s ‘They Live’ Mondo Poster (

Fun Facts Friday: 1984
Fun Facts Friday , Latest Posts / June 10, 2011

This week George Orwell’s classic “1984” has been published all the way back in 1949. The dystopian novel with its all-seeing leader “Big Brother” because a symbol worldwide for intrusive and oppressive government bureaucracy. The story is about Winston Smith and his attempt to rebel against the totalitarian state in which he lives.

Book Review Blog Carnival

The Picket Line reviews Among the Dead Cities by A.C. Grayling “Grayling meticulously describes how the policy of destroying cities developed and what goals it was meant to serve” Man of la Book reviews Citizen Soldiers by Stephen Ambrose “a fas­ci­nat­ing book about the Euro­pean the­ater in World War II, as told by the men on the front lines” Life As I Know It pontificates about re-reading The Dark Tower series by Stephen King “Because each book was better than the last” Man of la Book reviews A Death in Vienna by Daniel Silva “The plot is full of twists and turns, a won­der­ful cast of char­ac­ters ” Wifely Steps reviews The Dolce Vita Diaries by Cathy Rogers, Jason Gibb “I think we’ve all had that desire to just jump out of our day jobs and pursue a passion, an interest, a wish we know would just make our lives more exciting and meaningful if it came into fruition.” Addicted to Media reviews The Dragon Book, edited by Jack Dann and Gardner Dozois “This is a magical collection of stories and one that I am glad to have on my bookshelf.” Frontier Psychiatrist reviews Eaarth; Making A Life on a…

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